Marriages and Families: Diversity and Change, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2018

  • Mary Ann A. Schwartz (Professor Emeritus) Northeastern Illinois University
  • Barbara Marliene Scott Northeastern Illinois University

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ISBN-13: 9780137536405 (2021 update)

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1. Marriages and Families over Time
2. Ways of Studying and Explaining Marriages and Families
3. Understanding Gender: Its Influence in Intimate Relationships
4. The Many Faces of Love
5. Dating, Coupling, and Mate Selection
6. Sexuality and Intimate Relationships
7. Living Single, Living with Others: Nonmarital Lifestyles
8. The Marriage Experience
9. Reproduction and Parenting
10. Evolving Work and Family Structures
11. Power, Abuse, and Violence in Intimate Relationships
12. The Process of Uncoupling: Divorce in the United States
13. Remarriage and Remarried Families
14. Marriages and Families in Later Life
15. Issues Confronting Families at Home and Abroad

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