Practice of Computing Using Python, The, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2017

  • William F. Punch Michigan State University
  • Richard Enbody Michigan State University

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ISBN-13: 9780137524839 (2021 update)

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  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages

For courses in Python Programming

Introduces Python programming with an emphasis on problem-solving

Now in its Third Edition, Practice of Computing Using Python continues to introduce both majors and non-majors taking CS1 courses to computational thinking using Python, with a strong emphasis on problem solving through computer science. The authors have chosen Python for its simplicity, powerful built-in data structures, advanced control constructs, and practicality. The text is built from the ground up for Python programming, rather than having been translated from Java or C++.

Focusing on data manipulation and analysis as a theme, the text allows students to work on real problems using Internet-sourced or self-generated data sets that represent their own work and interests. The authors also emphasize program development and provide both majors and non-majors with a practical foundation in programming that will be useful in their respective fields. Among other changes, the Third Edition incorporates a switch to the Anaconda distribution, the SPYDER IDE, and a focus on debugging and GUIs.

Brief Contents

I. Thinking About Computing

  1. The Study of Computer Science

II. Starting to Program

  1. Beginnings
  2. Control
  3. Algorithms and Program Development

III. Data Structures and Functions

  1. Working with Strings
  2. Functions-QuickStart
  3. Files and Exceptions I
  4. Lists and Tuples
  5. More on Functions
  6. Dictionaries and Sets
  7. More Program Development

IV. Classes, making your own Data Structure and Algorithms

  1. More on Classes
  2. Program Development with Classes

V. Being a better programmer

  1. Files and Exceptions II
  2. Recursion: Another Control Mechanism
  3. Other Fun Stuff with Python
  4. The End, or Perhaps the Beginning

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