Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (August 1, 2021) © 2019

  • Frank M. Carrano University of Rhode Island
  • Timothy M. Henry Rhode Island College

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ISBN-13: 9780137515134 (2021 update)

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Data Structures and Abstractions with Java is a relatable and friendly introduction to data structures and their implementation. The text introduces you to data structures (CS-2) in a supportive, reader-friendly way. To increase readability and learning potential, the numbered segments and modular presentation provide a flexible, customizable pathway through the material and focus your attention on one concept at a time.

The 5th Edition has a revamped structure and additional pedagogical tools to assist in mastering concepts. Numerous examples that mimic real-world situations provide context for the new material and help you learn and retain abstract concepts.

  • Introduction: Organizing Data
  • Prelude: Designing Classes
  1. Bags
    • Java Interlude 1 Generics
  2. Bag Implementations That Use Arrays
    • Java Interlude 2 Exceptions
  3. A Bag Implementation That Links Data
  4. The Efficiency of Algorithms
  5. Stacks
  6. Stack Implementations
    • Java Interlude 3 More About Exceptions
  7. Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues
  8. Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations
  9. Recursion
  10. Lists
  11. A List Implementation That Uses an Array
  12. A List Implementation That Links Data
    • Java Interlude 4 Iterators
  13. Iterators for the ADT List
  14. Problem Solving With Recursion
    • Java Interlude 5 More About Generics
  15. An Introduction to Sorting
  16. Faster Sorting Methods
    • Java Interlude 6 Mutable and Immutable Objects
  17. Sorted Lists
    • Java Interlude 7 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  18. Inheritance and Lists
  19. Searching
    • Java Interlude 8 Generics Once Again
  20. Dictionaries
  21. Dictionary Implementations
  22. Introducing Hashing
  23. Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation
  24. Trees
  25. Tree Implementations
    • Java Interlude 9 Cloning
  26. A Binary Search Tree Implementation
  27. A Heap Implementation
  28. Balanced Search Trees
  29. Graphs
  30. Graph Implementations


  • A. Documentation and Programming Style
  • B. Java Classes
  • C. Creating Classes from Other Classes

Online Supplements

  1. Java Basics
  2. File Input and Output
  3. Glossary
  4. Answers to Study Questions

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