Heritage of World Civilizations, The, Volume 2, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2016

  • Albert M. Craig Harvard University
  • William A. Graham Harvard University
  • Donald M. Kagan Yale University
  • Steven Ozment Harvard University
  • Frank M. Turner Yale University
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Part 3: Consolidation and Interaction of World Civilizations, 500 C.E. to 1500 C.E.
14. Africa, ca. 1000-1700
15. Europe to the Early 1500s: Revival, Decline, and Renaissance

Part 4: The World in Transition, 1500-1850
16. Europe, 1500-1650: Expansion, Reformation, and Religious Wars
17. Conquest and Exploitation: The Development of the Transatlantic Economy 18. East Asia in the Late Traditional Era
19. State Building and Society in Early Modern Europe
20. The Last Great Islamic Empires, 1500-1800

Part 5: Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1700-1850
21. The Age of European Enlightenment
22. Revolutions in the Transatlantic World
23. Political Consolidation in Nineteenth Century Europe and North America

Part 6: Into the Modern World, 1815-1949
24. Northern Transatlantic Economy and Society, 1815-1914
25. Latin America from Independence to the 1940s
26. India, the Islamic Heartlands, and Africa, 1800-1945
27. Modern East Asia

Part 7: Global Conflict and Change, 1900-Present
28. Imperialism and World War I
29. Depression, European Dictators, and the American New Deal
30. World War II
31. The West since World War II
32. East Asia: The Recent Decades
33. Postcolonialism and Beyond: Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

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