On Baking: A Textbook of Baking and Pastry Fundamentals, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2020

  • Sarah R. Labensky
  • Priscilla A. Martel
  • Eddy Van Damme Houston Community College

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ISBN-13: 9780137499502 (2021 update)

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On Baking presents the how's and why's of baking. This award-winning classic has prepared thousands of students for successful careers in the baking and pastry arts. It has been uniformly praised for its organization, clarity and quality photography.

The authors present core baking principles and fundamental skills for producing a wide array of baked goods and confections. They also address tools for the bakeshop, along with safety and professionalism tips. More than 800 recipes for all skill levels demonstrate baking principles and procedures. Step-by-step color photographs detail techniques for forming bread dough, shaping cookies and tempering chocolate.

The 4th Edition is aligned to ACF baking and pastry standards, with a new chapter dedicated to healthy baking and dessert plating.

  1. Professionalism and Food Safety
  2. Tools and Equipment for the Bakeshop
  3. Bakeshop Ingredients
  4. Mise en Place
  5. Principles of Baking
  6. Quick Breads
  7. Basic Yeast Breads
  8. Preferments and Natural Starters
  9. Enriched Yeast Breads
  10. Laminated Doughs
  11. Cookies and Brownies
  12. Pies and Tarts
  13. Pastry and Dessert Components
  14. Cakes
  15. Icings and Cake Assembly
  16. Custards, Creams, and Sauces
  17. Ice Creams and Frozen Desserts
  18. Healthy Baking and Special Diets
  19. Tortes and Entremets
  20. Petits Fours
  21. Chocolate
  22. Plated Desserts
  23. Sugar Work and Confections

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