Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices & Applications, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (July 12, 2021) © 2022

  • Thomas L Floyd
  • David M. Buchla
  • Gary D. Snyder

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ISBN-13: 9780137467839 (2021 update)

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Electronics Fundamentals is more than a textbook: it's a hands-on electronics teaching system. The text provides both practical and theoretical coverage of electrical, magnetic and electronics concepts. Practical circuits, examples and troubleshooting exercises will help you develop useful analysis skills for resistive, reactive and device circuits.

The 9th Edition preserves the legacy of the 8th Edition while updating its content. Fully revised simulation circuits and tutorials, as well as a laboratory manual, supplement the text. A new tutorial illustrates how to use TI-84 and HP Prime calculators to analyze circuits similar to those in the textbook.


  1. Quantities and Units
  2. Voltage, Current and Resistance
  3. Ohm’s Law, Energy, and Power
  4. Series Circuits
  5. Parallel Circuits
  6. Series-Parallel Circuits
  7. Magnetism and Electromagnetism


  1. Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage
  2. Capacitors
  3. RC Circuits
  4. Inductors
  5. RL Circuits
  6. RLC Circuits and Resonance
  7. Transformers
  8. Time Response of Reactive Circuits


  1. Diodes and Applications
  2. Transistors and Applications
  3. The Operational Amplifier
  4. Basic Op-Amp Circuits
  5. Special Purpose Op-Amp Circuits
  6. Measurement, Conversion, and Control


  1. Standard Resistor Values
  2. Capacitor Color Coding and Marking
  3. Norton’s Theorem and Millman’s Theorem
  4. NI Multisim for Circuit Simulation

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