Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2019

  • Darcy H Granello
  • Mark E. Young University of Central Florida, Professor Emeritus

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ISBN-13: 9780136874775 (2020 update)

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Counseling Today presents meaningful learning aids and real-life scenarios to help you learn what it takes to become a reflective practitioner. As you are introduced to current research, controversial topics, and authentic counseling stories, you are challenged to think critically and reflect on what you've learned. In addition to overviewing professional practice competencies, this unique text keeps you involved in your learning as you acquire the skills you need to develop your professional identities.

The 2nd Edition is filled with more first-person accounts, new social justice themes, over 300 updated reference citations and the latest CACREP standards, giving you true insight into the way that counseling is practiced today.

  1. Who Are Counselors?
  2. What Do Counselors Do?
  3. How Are Counselors Trained and Regulated?
  4. How Do Counselors Integrate Personal and Professional Identity?
  5. How Do Counseling Students Get the Most from Their Graduate Programs?
  6. How Do Counselors Use Theories?
  7. How Do Counselors Use Research?
  8. What Happens in a Counseling Session?
  9. Where Do Counselors Work?
  10. How Do Counselors Promote Social Justice and Engage in Culturally Competent Counseling?
  11. How Do Counselors Collect and Use Assessment Information?
  12. How Do Counselors Make Legal and Ethical Decisions?
  13. How Do Counselors Support Wellness in Themselves and Their Clients?
  14. Counseling Tomorrow

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