
Community Organizing: Theory and Practice, 1st edition

  • Joyce McKnight
  • , Joanna McKnight Plummer

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Community Organizing: Theory and Practice provides the theories, tools and strategies needed to organize effective, participatory change efforts in communities. You will learn how these theories inform and can help direct the type of organizing that works best for a specific community.

Published by Pearson (February 24th 2014) - Copyright © 2015

ISBN-13: 9780205887408

Subject: Social Work & Human Services

Category: Community Practice

Brief Table of Contents:

1. Defining Community
2. Communities as Systems
3. Living and Working in Communities
4. Varieties of Community Organizing
5. The Community Organizing Cycle
6. Building an Effective Leadership Team
7. Participatory Research
8. Planning and Implementation
9. Management and Evaluation
10. Organizational Structure, Budgeting, and Funding
11. Power and Empowerment
12. Navigating the Political Labyrinth
13. Value Systems and Ethics
14. Community Organizing with Web-Based Tools
15. Organizations that Support Community Organizing

Detailed Table of Contents:

1. Defining Community
Case Study 1: The Smithville Neighborhood
Case Study 2: The Town of Middle View
Variations on the Theme
2. Communities as Systems
Systems Thinking
Analyzing Community Systems
Kaleidoscopic Community Systems
Bringing People Together
3. Living and Working in Communities
Building Your Internal Picture of the Focal Community
Getting Acquainted with the Focal System
Learning the "Rules"
"Fitting In" to Community Life
Using Theories of Social Integration
Integration into Community Life
4. Varieties of Community Organizing
Place-based and Relational Organizing
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
Economic Mutual Aid
Self-help Groups
Community-based Advocacy
Social Movements
Mixing and Matching
5. The Community Organizing Cycle
The Organizing Cycle as a Whole
Focus on Leadership
Focus on Participatory Research
Focus on Planning
Focus on Implementation
Focus on Management
Focus on Evaluation
6. Building an Effective Leadership Team
Recruiting a Leadership Team
The Evolving Leadership Team: The Form, Storm, Norm, Perform, and Adjourn Cycle
Leadership Teams as Living Systems
Facilitating Effective Community Leadership Teams
Interactional Processes
Power in Leadership Teams
Roles Team Members Play
7. Participatory Research
Connected Knowing: The "Engine" of Participatory Research
Data Gathering and Consolidation of Information
Analytical Frameworks
The Asset-based Approach
The Problem-centered Approach
Gap Analysis
Sustainability Analysis
8. Planning and Implementation
Four Types of Planning: Traditional, Relational, Advocacy, Participatory
The Planning Questions
Assessing the Situation
Implementation: Defining the Next Steps
Mixing and Phasing the Implementation Strategies
Training and Pilot Projects
9. Management and Evaluation
Five Types of Management: Bureaucratic Management, Relationship Based Management, Distributed Management, Participatory Management, Contingency Management
Formative Evaluation Plans
Continuous Quality Improvement
The Management Information System
Summative Evaluations
Evaluation for the Varieties of Community Organizing
Organizing Summary
10. Organizational Structure, Budgeting, and Funding
Organizational Structures
Advocacy for Effective Action, Informal Associations, Adoption by an Exisiting Organization, Formal Organizations, For Benefit or B Corporations, Nonprofit Organizations: 501c3, Churches and Integrated Auxilliaries, Foundations and Giving Circles, Political Organizations, Organizing Internationally: Non-government Organizations (NGOs)
Budgeting Basics
Guiding the Budgeting Process
Expenditure Budgeting
Zero-based Budgeting
Income Budgeting and Funding
Budget Management throughout the Year
Accountability and Audits
Cash Flow Problems
Ethical Budget Management
11. Power and Empowerment
Two Ways of Discerning Power
Power as an Individual Attribute
Power as an Attribute of Certain Classes or Categories of People
Power as a Product of Interaction
Power and Authority
How Others Perceive Your Power
Power within the Varieties of Community Organizing
Empowerment: Increasing the Power of Individuals and Communities
Maximizing Your Own and Others' Individual Power
Organizational Empowerment
Community Empowerment
Forces against Community Empowerment
12. Navigating the Political Labyrinth
Why We Have Governments
Three Views of the Role of Government
Political Negotiations
Six Dimensions of Public Policy
A Real World Example
Playing the Political Game
How to Play the Political Game with Politicians
Playing the "Policy Game" with Bureaucrats
13. Value Systems and Ethics
Quality of Life Values
Competing Value Systems: Modernism and the Quality of Life
Ethical Viewpoints
Professional Ethical Standards and Codes of Ethics
14. Community Organizing with Web-Based Tools
The Impact of the Internet and Social Networking on Community Organizing
Horizontal Community Organizing
Connectivism and Community Organizing
Strengths of Using the Web for Community Organizing
Weaknesses, Dangers, and Threats of the Internet or to the Internet
15. Organizations that Support Community Organizing
The Community Development Model
The Social Action Model
**Volunteer Efforts and Movements
Faith Communities Working for and Modeling Social Change
Service Organizations

Appendix A: Details of Participatory Research Strategies
Appendix B: Expanded Coverage of Budgeting and Fund-raising

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