Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 7th edition
- Jay H Withgott
- , Matthew Laposata
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Students like you will shape tomorrow’s world. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories shows how science informs efforts to bring about a sustainable society as it explores current environmental issues that can impact your daily life. It is known for its reader-friendly style, integration of real stories and case studies, and presentation of the latest science and research.
The 7th Edition makes it easy to see data with new infographic-style illustrations; shows connections between case studies and everyday life with new local connections activities; adds new success stories; and much more.
Published by Pearson (September 17th 2024) - Copyright © 2025
ISBN-13: 9780138277604
Subject: Environmental Science
Category: Intro to Environmental Science
1. Science and Sustainability: An Introduction to Environmental Science
- Our Island, Earth
- The Nature of Environmental Science
- The Science Behind the Story: What Are the Lessons of Easter Island?
- The Nature of Science
- Environmental Ethics
- Sustainability and Our Future
2. Environmental Systems: Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY The Vanishing Oysters of the Chesapeake Bay
- Earth's Environmental Systems
- Matter, Chemistry, and the Environment
- Energy Fundamentals
- Ecosystems
- The Science Behind the Story: Thailand’s Successful Population Program: Creativity over Coercion
- Biogeochemical Cycles
3. Evolution, Biodiversity, and Population Ecology
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Saving Hawaii's Native Forest Birds
- Evolution: The Source of Earth's Biodiversity
- Ecology and the Organism
- Population Ecology
- The Science Behind the Story: Forest Restoration Boosting Bird Populations at Hakalu Forest?
- Conserving Biodiversity
4. Species Interactions and Community Ecology
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Black and White, and Spread All Over: Zebra Mussels Invade the Great Lakes
- Species Interactions
- Ecological Communities
- The Science Behind the Story: How Do Invasive Carp Affect Aquatic Communities?
- Earth's Biomes
5. Economics, Policy, and Sustainable Development
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Costa Rica Values Its Ecosystem Services
- Economics and the Environment
- Environmental Policy: An Overview
- The Science Behind the Story: Do Payments Help Preserve Forest?
- U.S. Environmental Law and Policy
- International Environmental Policy
- Approaches to Environmental Policy
- Sustainable Development
6. Human Population
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY China's One-Child Policy: Is It a Population "Time Bomb"?
- Our World at Seven Billion
- Demography
- Population and Society
- The Science Behind the Story: Did Soap Operas Reduce Fertilityin Brazil?
7. Soil, Agriculture, and the Future of Food
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Sustainable Food and Dining at the University of Michigan
- The Race to Feed the World
- The Changing Face of Agriculture
- Soils
- Maintaining Healthy Soils
- Watering and Fertilizing Crops
- Controlling Pests, Preserving Pollinators
- Raising Animals for Food
- Genetically Modified Food
- The Growth of Sustainable Agriculture
- The Science Behind the Story: We Help Pollinators. Will it Boost Crop Production?
8. Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Can Borneo Sustain Its Biodiversity?
- The Race to Feed the World
- The Changing Face of Agriculture
- Soils
- Maintaining Healthy Soils
- Watering and Fertilizing Crops
- Controlling Pests, Preserving Pollinators
- Raising Animals for Food
- Genetically Modified Food
- The Growth of Sustainable Agriculture
- The Science Behind the Story: Can Forensic DNA Analysis Help Save Sharks in Indonesia Waters??
9. Forests, Forest Management, and Protected Areas
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Certified Sustainable Paper in Your Textbook
- Forest Ecosystems and Forest Resources
- Forest Loss
- Forest Management
- Parks and Protected Areas
- The Science Behind the Story: Forest Fragmentation in the Amazon
10. Environmental Health and Toxicology
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Bisphenol A Is Everywhere, But Is It Safe?
- Environmental Health
- Toxic Substances and Their Effects on Organisms
- The Science Behind the Story: Testing the Safety of Bisphenol A
- Toxic Substances and Their Effects on Ecosystems
- Studying Effects of Hazards
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management
11. Geology, Minerals, and Mining
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Mining for … Cell Phones?
- Geology: The Physical Basis for Environmental Science
- Geologic and Natural Hazards
- Earth's Mineral Resources
- Mining Methods and Their Impacts
- The Science Behind the Story: Can Acid Mine Drainage Reduce Fracking's
- Environmental Impact?
- Toward Sustainable Mineral Use
12. Fresh Water, Oceans, and Coasts
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY The Changing Face of Arizona Agriculture
- Freshwater Systems
- The Oceans
- Marine and Coastal Systems
- Effects of Human Activities on Waterways
- Solutions to Depletion of Fresh Water
- Water Pollution and Its Control
- The Science Behind the Story: Predicting the Oceans' "Garbage Patches"
- Emptying the Oceans
13. Atmospheric Science, Air Quality, and Pollution Control
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Clearing the Air in L.A. and in Mexico City
- The Atmosphere
- Outdoor Air Quality
- The Science Behind the Story: Measuring the Health Impacts of Mexico City's Air
- Pollution
- Ozone Depletion
- Addressing Acid Deposition
- Indoor Air Quality
14. Global Climate Change
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Rising Seas May Flood the Maldives
- Our Dynamic Climate
- Studying Climate Change
- The Science Behind the Story: Why and How Does Global Warming Lead to Extreme Weather Events?
- Current and Future Trends and Impacts
- Responding to Climate Change
15. Nonrenewable Energy Sources, Their Impacts, and Energy Conservation
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Hydrofracking the Marcellus Shale
- Sources of Energy
- Fossil Fuels: Their Formation, Extraction, and Use
- Reaching Further for Fossil Fuels … and Coping with the Impacts
- The Science Behind the Story: What Health Impacts are Associated with Living Near a Fracking Site?
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation
- Nuclear Power
16. Renewable Energy Alternatives
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Wind and Sun in Texas
- Renewable Energy Sources
- The Science Behind the Story: How Well Do Wind and Solar Complement One Another in Texas?
- Solar Energy
- Wind Power
- Geothermal Energy
- Ocean Energy Sources
- Hydroelectric Power
- Bioenergy
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
17. Managing Our Waste
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY A Mania for Recycling on Campus
- Approaches to Waste Management
- Municipal Solid Waste
- The Science Behind the Story: Tracking Trash
- Industrial Solid Waste
- Hazardous Waste
18. The Urban Environment: Creating Sustainable Cities
- CENTRAL CASE STUDY Managing Growth in Portland, Oregon
- Our Urbanizing World
- Sprawl
- Creating Livable Cities
- Urban Sustainability
- The Science Behind the Story: Do People Today Suffer Environmental Health Impacts from Past Discrimination?
- A. Answers to Data Analysis Questions
- B. How to Interpret Graphs
- C. Metric System
- D. Periodic Table of the Elements
- E. Geologic Time Scale
- Glossary
- Credits
- Index