
Effective Classroom Management: Models & Strategies for Today's Classrooms, 3rd edition

  • Carlette Jackson Hardin

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1. Changing Views of Classroom Management

Part I: Classroom Management as Discipline
2. Behavioral Approaches to Classroom Management
3. Assertive Discipline
4. Positive Classroom Discipline
5. Logical Consequences

Part II: Classroom Management as a System
6. Discipline with Dignity
7. Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP)
8. Building Community
9. Discipline without Stress® Punishments or Rewards

Part III: Classroom Management as Instruction
10. Inner Discipline
11. Positive Behavior Support
12. Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation
13. Judicious Discipline

Part IV: Developing a Personal System
14. Research-Based Best Practices in Classroom Management
15. Creating Your Own System