
Moving On: The American People Since 1945, 5th edition

  • George Donelson Moss

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Combines traditional history with a focus on the American people.


A comprehensive overview of U.S. History since World War II, Moving On weaves together political, economic, diplomatic, and military history, while incorporating the social, demographic, environmental, and cultural history of the period.


The text also focuses on the late 1960s as a major turning point in post-war America.


Learning Goals

Upon completing this book readers will be able to:

  • Understand the key events, players, and issues that define post 1945-America
  • Understand the social and cultural legacy of the important decades of post-1945 America
  • Know the importance of each decade in shaping America through the new millennium

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2013

ISBN-13: 9780137561742

Subject: History

Category: Period History

Brief Content and Detailed Contents


Found in this Section:

  1. Brief Table of Contents
  2. Full Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Postwar America
  • Chapter 2 Wars: Cold and Hot
  • Chapter 3 Postwar Politics
  • Chapter 4 The Affluent Society
  • Chapter 5 The Consumer Culture
  • Chapter 6 The Age of Consensus
  • Chapter 7 New Frontiers at Home and Abroad
  • Chapter 8 Great Society and Vietnam
  • Chapter 9 Rebellion and Reaction
  • Chapter 10 Pragmatic Centrism
  • Chapter 11 Calming the Cold War
  • Chapter 12 Era of Limits
  • Chapter 13 Social and Cultural Transformations
  • Chapter 14 The Age of Reagan
  • Chapter 15 Reigniting then Icing the Cold War
  • Chapter 16 Social Tensions and Culture Wars
  • Chapter 17 Going Global
  • Chapter 18 America in a New Millennium
  • Chapter 19 The Wars on Terror



  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Postwar America
    • Victory!
    • People on the Move
    • Economic Transformations
    • A Diverse Society
    • The Growth of Big Labor
    • A Religious People
    • Women
    • African Americans
    • Hispanic Americans
    • Asian Americans
    • Native Americans
    • The Politics of War
    • Legacies of World War
    • Brief Bibliographical Essay
  • Chapter 2: Wars: Cold and Hot
    • Origins Of Cold War
    • The Truman Doctrine
    • The Marshall Plan
    • Nato
    • The Chinese Revolution
    • Vietnam: The Beginning
    • NSC-68
    • The Korean War, 1950–1953
    • The Cold War Consensus
    • Documents
    • Bernice Brode, Tales of Los Alamos (1943)
    • Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech (1946)
    • George Kennan, Containment (1947)
    • Harry S. Truman, The Truman Doctrine (1947)
    • General Douglas MacArthur, Farewell Address to Congress (1951)
    • Clark Clifford, Memorandum to President Truman (1946)
    • George Marshall, “The Marshall Plan” (1947)
    • National Security Council Memorandum Number 68 (1950)
    • Images
    • Closer Look: Cold War Bomb Shelter
    • Closer Look: The Korean War
    • Videos
    • Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima
    • The Korean War Armistice
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 3: Postwar Politics
    • Harry Who?
    • The Election of 1946
    • The Eightieth Congress
    • Civil Rights
    • The Election of 1948
    • A Fair Deal
    • Red Scare
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 4: The Affluent Society
    • Demographic Patterns
    • An Economy of Abundance
    • The Age of the Automobile
    • Labor at Mid-Century
    • Poverty Amidst Plenty
    • Suburban Sprawl
    • Women: Family and Work
    • Class and Status
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 5: The Consumer Culture
    • The “Teen Culture”
    • Rock ’N’ Roll
    • Television Takes Over
    • Religion Revived
    • Culture Critics
    • Rebels
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 6: The Age of Consensus
    • The Election of 1952
    • Dynamic Conservatism
    • McCarthy Destroyed
    • The Politics of Consensus
    • Civil Rights
    • The New Look
    • Vietnam
    • China Crisis
    • At the Summit
    • The CIA in Covert Action
    • Trouble in Suez
    • Soviet Tanks Crush the Hungarian Revolution
    • A Sputnik Moment
    • Cuba and Castro
    • The Cold War Heats Up
    • End of an Era
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 7: New Frontiers at Home and Abroad
    • The Election of 1960
    • Social Reform
    • The Economy
    • Let Freedom Ring
    • Cold Warrior
    • The Bay of Pigs
    • Alianza para Progreso
    • Berlin
    • Missile Crisis
    • Vietnam: Raising the Stakes
    • Death of a President
    • Closer Look: Signs
    • Videos
    • John F Kennedy Presidential Campaign
    • Kennedy Nixon Debate
    • Civil Rights March on Washington
    • The Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 8: Great Society and Vietnam
    • Goldwater Challenges the Liberal Welfare State
    • Great Society
    • The Warren Court
    • The Six Day War
    • Policing the Caribbean
    • Going to War in Vietnam
    • The American Way of War
    • War at Home
    • The Tet-68 Offensive
    • Lyndon B. Johnson, The War on Poverty (1964)
    • The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    • Lyndon Johnson, Message to Congress and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)
    • Voting Literacy Test (1965)
    • Lyndon Johnson on the Immigration Act (1965)
    • Martin Luther King, Jr., Conscience and the Vietnam War (1967)
    • Profile: Eugene McCarthy
    • Maps
    • Impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
    • Vietnam War
    • Videos
    • Lyndon Johnson Presidential Campaign Ad: Little Girl vs. Mushroom Cloud
    • Newsreel: Peace March, Thousands Oppose Vietnam War
    • The Vietnam War
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 9: Rebellion and Reaction
    • Student Radicals
    • The Greening of America
    • The Fire This Time
    • Black Power
    • Brown and Red Power
    • Gay Lesbian Liberation
    • The Rebirth of Feminism
    • Backlash
    • The Election of 1968
    • Summing Up the Sixties
    • Documents
    • Students for a Democratic Society, The Port Huron Statement (1962)
    • Betty Friedan, "The Problem That Has No Name", from The Feminine Mystique (1963)
    • National Organization from Women, Statement of Purpose (1966)
    • Donald Wheeldin, The Situation in Watts Today (1967)
    • Shirley Chisholm, Equal Rights for Women (1969)
    • The Gay Liberation Front, Come Out (1970)
    • Cesar Chavez, From He Showed Us the Way (1978)
    • Profile: Kwame Toure, (Stokely Carmichael)
    • Profile: Cesar Chavez
    • Profile: Janis Joplin
    • Profile: Bobby Seale
    • Video
    • Malcolm X
    • Protest, Counterculture, and the Antiwar Movement During the Vietnam Era
    • Richard Nixon Presidential Campaign
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 10: Pragmatic Centrism
    • A Closet Liberal?
    • Nixonomics
    • The Southern Strategy
    • Activists and Reformers
    • Ecology and Consumerism
    • The 1972 Election
    • Watergate
    • Decline and Fall
    • Rachel Carson, from Silent Spring (1962)
    • House Judiciary Committee's Conclusion on Impeachment (1972)
    • Roe v. Wade (1973)
    • Statement by the American Indian Movement, Wounded Knee (1973)
    • Watergate Special Prosecution Force Memorandum (1974)
    • Exploring America: American Indian Movement
    • Images
    • Closer Look: Watergate Shipwreck
    • Closer Look: Watergate Through Political Cartoons
    • Videos
    • Richard Nixon I am not a crook
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 11: Calming the Cold War
    • Détente
    • The China Opening
    • Vietnam: A War To End A War
    • Middle Eastern Dilemmas
    • Chaos In Chile
    • New Relations with European Powers
    • The Emergence of Japan
    • Realist Diplomacy in Perspective
    • Testimony at the Winter Soldier Investigation (1971)
    • Richard Nixon, "Peace With Honor" (1973)
    • Images
    • Nixon in China
    • Closer Look: Life Magazine Cover May 15, 1970 Tragedy at Kent State
    • Video
    • Atrocity and Cover Up: My Lai Massacre
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 12: Era of Limits
    • Economic Decline
    • Energy Crises
    • Cars and Computers
    • A Ford Not a Lincoln
    • Extending détente
    • Vietnam: The End
    • The Election of 1976
    • Mr. Carter Goes to Washington
    • A New Foreign Policy Approach
    • The Decline of détente
    • Debacle in Iran
    • The Rise of the New Right
    • The Election of 1980
    • A Time of Troubles
    • Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter speaks about an "Invisible Wall of Racial Segregation," (1976)
    • The Camp David Accords (1978)
    • Jimmy Carter, The "Malaise" Speech (1979)
    • Islam and the State in the Middle East: Ayatollah Khomeini's Vision of Islamic Government (1979)
    • Ronald Reagan, Republican Party Nomination Acceptance (1980)
    • Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address (1981)
    • Profile: Jimmy Carter
    • Profile: Jerry Falwell
    • Videos
    • Gerald Ford Presidential Campaign
    • Jimmy Carter and the Crisis
    • Ronald Reagan on the Wisdom of Tax Cuts
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 13: Social and Cultural Transformations
    • A Demographic Profile
    • New Immigrants
    • African Americans: A Dual Society
    • Women: Changing Attitudes and Roles
    • The Most Religious Nation in the Western World
    • The “Me” Decade
    • Cultural Transformations
    • Conflict and Diversity: Hollywood's Visions of the 1970s
    • Television and the Ascendancy of the Media Culture
    • Ione Malloy, Southie Won't Go (1975)
    • Toi Derricotte, Black in a White Neighborhood (1977-1978)
    • Affirmative Action in Atlanta, "Can Atlanta Succeed Where America Has Failed?"
    • Patricia Morrisroe, Yuppies - The New Class (1985)
    • Map
    • America's Move to the Sunbelt 1970-1981
    • Immigration to the United States, 1945-1990
    • Video
    • Evangelical Religion and Politics, Then and Now
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 14: The Age of Reagan
    • Reaganomics
    • Recession and Recovery
    • Morning Again in America
    • The Election of 1984
    • Second Efforts
    • The “Go-Go” Economy
    • Shifting the Supreme Court to the Right
    • The Sleaze Factor
    • Richard Viguerie, Why the New Right is Winning (1981)
    • Ronald Reagan, The Air Traffic Controllers Strike (1981)
    • Ronald Reagan, Address to the National Association of Evangelicals (1983)
    • Paul Craig Roberts, The Supply-Side Revolution (1984)
    • T. Boone Pickens, My Case for Reagan (1984)
    • Thurgood Marshall, Remarks on the Bicentennial of the Constitution (1987)
    • Images
    • Attempted Reagan Assassination
    • Video
    • Ronald Reagan on the Wisdom of Tax Cuts
    • Ronald Reagan Presidential Campaign
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 15: Reigniting then Icing the Cold War
    • The Old Cold Warrior
    • The Pacific Rim
    • Disaster in Lebanon
    • Canada and America
    • Policing the Western Hemisphere
    • International Crises
    • The Iraqi–Iranian War
    • Iran-Contra Scandals
    • Icing the Cold War
    • Documents
    • A Liberal White Journalist on Apartheid (1970s-1980s)
    • Ronald Reagan, Support for the Contras (1984)
    • Bill Chappell, Speech to the American Security Council Foundation (1985)
    • Mikhail Gorbachev, Speech to the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1986)
    • Mikhail Gorbachev on the Need for Economic Reform (1987)
    • Ronald Reagan, Speech at the Brandenburg Gate (1987)
    • Maps
    • The Cold War Military Stand-off
    • Conflict in Central America, 1970-1998
    • Videos
    • Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall
    • Oliver North Hearing
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 16: Social Tensions and Culture Wars
    • 2000: A Demographic Profile
    • Bust, Boom, and Bust
    • Cable TV and the Information Superhighway
    • Multiculturalism
    • Culture Warriors
    • Black and White, But Not Together
    • Hispanic Americans
    • Asian Americans
    • Women and Work
    • Documents
    • Howard Rheingold, Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (1993)
    • Cecelia Rosa Avila, Third Generation Mexican American (1988)
    • Jesse Jackson, Common Ground (1988)
    • Elaine Bell Kaplan, "Talking to Teen Mothers" (1995)
    • Image
    • Sign at a Gay Pride March
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 17: Going Global
    • The Election of 1988
    • A Kinder Nation
    • The Rehnquist Court
    • The Election of 1992
    • Clintonomics
    • The Republican Earthquake
    • The Election of 1996
    • A President Impeached
    • Ending and Winning the Cold War
    • The Post–Cold War World
    • The Gulf War
    • Clinton and the Post–Cold War World
    • The Balkan Wars
    • Terrorism Abroad and at Home
    • Documents
    • George H.W. Bush, Inaugural Address (1989)
    • President Clinton's First Inaugural Address (1993)
    • Clinton Health Care Reform Proposals (1993)
    • Republican Contract with America (1994)
    • The Balkan Proximity Peace Talks Agreement (1995)
    • Articles of Impeachment Against William Jefferson Clinton (1999)
    • Bill Clinton, Answers to the Articles of Impeachment (1999)
    • Image
    • Tiananmen Square
    • Map
    • Events in Eastern Europe, 1989-1990
    • Videos
    • The Berlin Wall
    • Bill Clinton Sells Himself to America
    • The Collapse of the Communist Bloc
    • George Bush Presidential Campaign Ad: The Revolving Door
    • President Bush on the Gulf War
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 18: America in a New Millennium
    • The Demographics of Diversity
    • Young People of the New Millennium
    • A Multicultural Society
    • A Nation of Immigrants
    • Documents
    • William Julius Wilson, The Urban Underclass (1987)
    • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    • Building a Black Christian Community from Scratch (1999)
    • Health Issues in the Black Community (2005)
    • Hillary Clinton, Speech on Health Care (2007)
    • Louis Farrakhan on Education (2007)
    • From Then to Now: Immigration: An Ambivalent Welcome
    • From Then to Now: The Diversity of American Religious Life
    • Profile: Colin Powell
    • Map
    • Immigration to the United States, 1945-1990
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Chapter 19: The Wars on Terror
    • Election 2000
    • Thirty-Six Days
    • Compassionate Conservatism
    • Terrorist Attack!
    • The Transformation of U.S. Foreign Policy
    • The Invasion of Iraq
    • Operation Iraqi Freedom
    • Election of 2004
    • The War President
    • Global Financial Crisis and Recession
    • 2008 Election
    • The New Face of America
    • The 2010 Elections
    • Containing the Wars on Terror
    • Spring 2012
    • Documents
    • George Bush, Address to the Nation, (2001)
    • George W. Bush, Address to Congress (2001)
    • N.R. Kleinfield, American Enters a New Century with Terror (2001)
    • George W. Bush, From National Security Strategy of the United States of America (2002)
    • Al Gore, Global Warming (2006)
    • Dirty Politics in the 2008 Election, (2007)
    • Nancy Pelosi, Inaugural Address, (2007)
    • Barack H. Obama, Inaugural Address (2009)
    • Videos
    • The Rise and Fall of the Automobile Economy
    • Modernity's Pollution Problems
    • The Historical Significance of the 2008 Presidential Election
    • Brief Bibliographic Essay
  • Index