
Reading and Learning to Read, 10th edition

  • Jo Anne L. Vacca
  • , Richard T. Vacca
  • , Mary K. Gove
  • , Linda C. Burkey
  • , Lisa A. Lenhart
  • , Christine A. McKeon

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Brief Contents
1. Knowledge and Beliefs about Reading
2. Approaches to Reading Instruction
3. Meeting the Literacy Needs of Diverse Learners
4. Foundations of Language and Literacy
5. Assessing Reading Performance
6. Word Identification
7. Reading Fluency
8. Vocabulary Knowledge and Concept Development
9. Comprehending Narrative Text
10. Comprehending Informational Text
11. Reading -- Writing Connections
12. Bringing Children and Text Together
13. Instructional Materials

Table of Contents
Features xii
Preface xiv

1. Knowledge and Beliefs About Reading
The Importance of Belief Systems
Different Beliefs, Different Instructional Decisions
Differing Instructional Decisions
Reading Instruction and Teachers' Belief Systems
National Initiatives
Teacher Preparation
Multiple Approaches to Reading Instruction
How Teachers Come to Know About Reading and Learning to Read
Constructing Personal Knowledge
Constructing Practical Knowledge
Constructing Professional Knowledge and Expertise
Perspectives on Learning to Read
Cognitive Insights into Reading and Learning to Read
The Alphabetic Principle and Learning to Read
Schema Theory and Reading Comprehension
Metacognition and Learning
Reading from a Language Perspective
Psycholinguistics and Reading
Sociolinguistics and Reading
Models of Reading
Bottom-Up Models
Top-Down Models
Interactive Models
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Knowledge and Beliefs about Reading?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

2. Approaches to Reading Instruction
Belief Systems and Approaches to Literacy Instruction
Beliefs About Reading
Curriculum Perspectives
Bottom-Up Curricula
Readers and Textbooks
Top-Down Curricula
Classroom Conditions for Learning
Instructional Approaches
The Basal Reading Approach
The Language-Experience Approach
Literature-Based Instruction Approaches
Technology-Based Instruction
Technology-Based Instructional
Individualizing Instruction
The Integrated Approach
Expertise Matters More than Approach
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Approaches to Reading Instruction?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

3. Meeting the Literacy Needs of Diverse Learners
Linguistic Diversity in Literacy Classrooms
Instructional Beliefs About Linguistic Diversity
Instructional Principles for Students Speaking Diverse Languages and Dialects
Instructional Strategies for Students Speaking Diverse Languages
Sheltered English Adaptations
Instructional Conversations
Response Protocol
Wordless Books
Content Area Practices
Dialectical Miscues
Cultural Diversity in Literacy Classrooms
Instructional Beliefs About Cultural Diversity
Instructional Principles for Students from Diverse Cultures
Instructional Strategies for Culturally Diverse Students
Determining Cultural Expectations
Background Knowledge and Motivation
Using Culturally Responsive Read-Alouds
Choosing Quality Multicultural Literature
Fostering Ethnic, National, and Global Identification
Technology-Enhanced Instruction
Academic and Cognitive Diversity in Literacy Classrooms
Instructional Beliefs About Academic and Cognitive Diversity
Instructional Principles for Academic and Cognitive Diversity
Curriculum Compacting
Differentiated Instruction
Instructional Strategies for Students with Diverse Academic and Cognitive Abilities
Multisensory Phonics Strategies
Technology-Based Diagnostic Strategies
Inquiry Learning
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Diversity?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

4. Foundations of Language and Literacy
Literacy Development
How Oral Language Develops
How Reading Develops
Phase : Awareness and Exploration
Phase : Experimental Reading and Writing
Phase : Early Reading and Writing
Phase : Transitional Reading and Writing
Phase : Independent and Productive Reading and Writing
How Writing Develops
The Importance of Scribbling
Oral Language and Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge
Developmental Writing
Print Knowledge
Literate Learning Environments
Creating Literate Learning Environments at Home
Creating Literate Environments in the Classroom
Design of the Classroom Environment
Literacy-Related Play Centers
Facilitating Language and Literacy
Learning About Literacy Through Books
Nonfiction Books
Big Books
Class-Made Books
Steps to Follow in Producing Language-Experience Stories
Having Students Dictate Stories
Learning About the Relationships Between Speech and Print
Learning About Features of Written Language
Learning About Letters and Sounds
Recognizing Letters
Phonological Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Developing Phonemic Awareness in Children
Assessing Language and Literacy in Young Children
Assessing Print Knowledge
Assessing Alphabet Knowledge
Assessing Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness
Assessing Developmental Writing
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Beginning Readers and Writers?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

5. Assessing Reading Performance
Toward a Collaborative Framework for Decision Making
Trends in Assessment
High-Stakes Testing
Authentic Assessment
Technology in Assessment
Formal Assessment
Standardized Tests
Types of Test Scores
Types of Tests
Uses of Standardized Test Results
Criterion-Referenced Tests
Informal Assessment
Informal Reading Inventories
Administering an IRI
Recording Oral Reading Errors
Determining Reading Levels
Analyzing Oral Reading Miscues
Running Records
Administering a Running Record
Analyzing Running Records
Kidwatching While Teaching
Anecdotal Notes
Other Informal Assessments
Portfolio Assessment
Essential Elements of Portfolios
Implementing Portfolios in the Classroom
Assessment Today and Tomorrow
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Reading Performance?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

6. Word Identification

Defining Word Identification
Phases of Development in Children's Ability to Identify Words
Approaches and Guidelines for Teaching Phonics
Traditional Approaches
Analytic Phonics Instruction
Synthetic Phonics Instruction
Contemporary Approaches
Analogy-Based Phonics Instruction
Embedded Phonics Instruction
Guidelines for Contemporary Phonics Instruction
Strategies for Teaching Phonics
Consonant-Based Strategies
Multisensory Activities
Consonant Substitution
Flip Books
Making Words
Word Ladders
Cube Words
Analogic-Based Strategies
Making and Writing Words Using Letter Patterns
Spelling-Based Strategies
Word Banks
Word Walls
Word Sorting
Using Meaning and Letter-Sound Information to Identify Words
Strategies for Teaching Context
Cloze Passages
Cloze with Choices Given
Guessing Games
Semantic Gradients and Context Clues
Cross-Checking and Self-Monitoring Strategies
Using Structural Analysis to Identify Words
Strategies for Teaching Structural Analysis
Word Study Notebook
Wall Chart Carousel
Compound Word Cups
Contraction Search
Rapid Recognition of Words
High-Frequency Words
Teaching Function Words
Incremental Rehearsal
Language-Experience Strategy
Word Walls
Environmental Print
Word Games
Literature and Poetry
Teaching Key Words
Group Activities with Key Words
Organizing Word Identification Instruction
Balancing Word Identification Instruction
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Word Identification?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

7. Reading Fluency
Defining Oral Reading Fluency
Accuracy in Word Decoding
Automatic Processing
Predictability of Reading Materials
Developing Oral Reading Fluency
Strategies for Groups of Students
Choral Reading
Echo Reading
Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction (FORI)
Reader's Theater
Fluency Idol
Strategies for Pairs and Individual Students
Repeated Readings
Paired Repeated Readings
The Fluency Development Lesson
Peer Tutoring
Automated Reading
The Oral Recitation Lesson
Involving Parents
What Parents Can Do to Help at Home
Assessing Oral Reading Fluency
Accuracy and Automaticity
Silent Reading Fluency
Developing Silent Reading Fluency
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Reading
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

8. Vocabulary Knowledge and Concept Development
The Relationship Between Vocabulary and Comprehension
Experiences, Concepts, and Words
Words as Labels for Concepts
Words and Concepts: A Closer Look
Class, Example, and Attribute Relationships
Principles to Guide Vocabulary Instruction
Principle : Select Words That Children Will Encounter While Reading Text and Content Material
Key Words
Useful Words
Interesting Words
Vocabulary-Building Words
Principle : Teach Words in Relation to Other Words
Principle : Teach Students to Relate Words to Their Background Knowledge
Principle : Teach Words in Prereading Activities to Activate Knowledge and Use Them in Postreading Discussion, Response, and Retelling
Principle : Teach Words Systematically and in Depth
Principle : Awaken Interest in and Enthusiasm for Words
Best Practice: Strategies for Vocabulary and Concept Development
Relating Experiences to Vocabulary Learning
Using Context for Vocabulary Growth
Developing Word Meanings
Words with Multiple Meanings
Classifying and Categorizing Words
Word Sorts
Concept Circles
Semantic Mapping
Paired-Word Sentence Generation
Developing Word Meanings Through Stories and Writing
Semantic Analysis to Writing
Developing Independence in Vocabulary Learning
Dictionary Usage
Self-Selection Strategy
Word Knowledge Rating
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Vocabulary
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

9. Comprehending Narrative Text
Developing Readers' Awareness of Story Structure
Elements in a Story
Mapping a Story for Instructional Purposes
Building a Schema for Stories
Read, Tell, and Perform Stories in Class
Show Relationships Between Story Parts
Reinforce Story Knowledge Through Instructional Activities
Scaffolding the Development and Teaching of Reading Comprehension Strategies
Active Comprehension and Asking Questions
Reciprocal Questioning (ReQuest)
Question-Answer Relationships (QARs)
Questioning the Author (QtA)
Close Reading
Reciprocal Teaching
Guiding Interactions Between Reader and Text
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity
Discussion Webs
Text Connections
Technology and Twenty-First-Century Reading Comprehension Skills
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Reading Comprehension?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

10. Comprehending Informational Text
What Is Informational Text, and What Makes It Challenging?
Factors in Judging the Difficulty of Textbooks and Other Informational Text
How Difficult Is the Text to Understand?
How Usable Is the Informational Text?
How Interesting Is the Informational Text?
Readability and Text Complexity
Organizing Informational Text Instruction
Informational Text Circles
Jigsaw Strategy in an Elementary Classroom
Idea Sketches
Sticky-Note Folders
Using Literature and Nonfiction Trade Books Across the Curriculum
Benefits of Using Literature and Nonfiction Trade Books
Intense Involvement
Schema Building
Abilities and Interests
Vocabulary Building
Instructional Strategies for Engaging Students in Reading Informational Text Prior to Reading
Determining the Structure of Informational Text
Frame of Reference
Anticipation Guides
Extending Content Learning Through Reading and Writing
Close Reading
Focus on Close Reading
Point-of-View Guides
Idea Circles
Curriculum-Based Reader's Theater
Using Think-Alouds
Digital Literacy
Informational Text and the Internet
Internet Inquiry
Online Reading Comprehension Skills
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Content Area Texts?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

11. Reading-Writing Connections
Relationships Between Reading and Writing
The Writing-Spelling Connection
Invented Spelling
Later Developmental Spelling Phases
Creating Environments for Reading and Writing
Encouraging Classroom Writing
Connecting Reading and Writing
Using Journals (and E-Mail Correspondence) for Written Conversation
Dialogue Journals
Buddy Journals
Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Conversations
Using Journals to Explore Texts
Double-Entry Journals
Reading Journals
Response Journals
Alternative Strategies That Motivate Students to Write
Gathering Ideas
Multigenre Projects
Writing Nonfiction
Plot Scaffolds
Organizing Writing Instruction
The Writing Process
The Qualities of Exemplary Writing
The Writing Workshop
A Day in the Life of Our Writing Workshop
Guided Writing Instruction
Reading-Writing-Technology Connections
Electronic Text Production and Publishing
Online Communications
Online Resources for Writing
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Reading-Writing Connections?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

12. Bringing Children and Text Together

Supporting a Community of Readers
Surrounding Children with Text
Selecting a Classroom Collection of Books
Choosing Classroom Texts
Determining Good Text
Text with Multicultural Perspectives
Designing the Classroom Library
Listening to Text
Choosing Texts to Read Aloud
Preparing to Read Aloud
Setting the Mood
Introducing the Story
Activities After Reading Aloud
Selecting the Story to Tell
Preparing a Story for Telling
Helping Students Select Books
Organizing for Text-Based Instruction
Core Books
Literature Units
Literature Circles
Student-Led Literature Circles: How and What to Share
Adapting Literature Circles for the
Primary Grades
Media Literacy
Integration of the Internet
Encouraging Responses to Text
Sparking Discussion with Book-Talks
Engaging in Free Response
Exploring Response Options in Literature Journals
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Text?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core

13. Instructional Materials

Basal Readers
A Look Back
Anatomy of Basal Readers
Student Books
Leveled Readers
Teacher's Editions
Technology and Online Learning
Making Instructional Decisions with Basals
Trade Books
The Case for Trade Books
Leveling Trade Books
Electronic Books
Online Games
Online Word Processors
Evaluating Reading Materials
RTI for Struggling Readers
What About: Standards, Assessment, and Instructional Materials?
Teacher Action Research
Through the Lens of the Common Core
Appendix A Beliefs About Reading Interview
Appendix B Text and Phonics
Appendix C Recommended Books for
Multicultural Reading Experiences
Name Index
Subject Index