
Building Python Programs, 1st edition

  • Stuart Reges
  • , Marty Stepp
  • , Allison Obourn

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Building Python Programs offers you a layered, back-to-basics approach to Python programming. The authors of the long successful Building Java Programs bring their proven, class-tested and back-to-basics strategy to teaching Python programming. Their signature layered approach introduces programming fundamentals first, with new syntax and concepts added over multiple chapters. Object-oriented programming is discussed only after you have developed a basic understanding of Python programming.

The text focuses on problem-solving with an emphasis on algorithmic thinking and is appropriate for the 2-semester sequence in introductory computer science.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2019

ISBN-13: 9780137530731

Subject: Programming - Introductory

Category: Python

Chapter 1 Introduction to Python Programming

  • 1.1 Basic Computing Concepts
    • Why Programming?
    • Hardware and Software
    • The Digital Realm
    • The Process of Programming
    • Why Python?
    • The Python Programming Environment
  • 1.2 And Now: Python
    • Printing Output
    • String Literals (Strings)
    • Escape Sequences
    • Printing a Complex Figure
    • Comments, Whitespace, and Readability
  • 1.3 Program Errors
    • Syntax Errors
    • Logic Errors (Bugs)
  • 1.4 Procedural Decomposition
    • Functions
    • Flow of Control
    • Identifiers and Keywords
    • Functions That Call Other Functions
    • An Example Runtime Error
  • 1.5 Case Study: Drawing Figures
    • Structured Version
    • Final Version without Redundancy
    • Analysis of Flow of Execution

Chapter 2 Data and Definite Loops

  • 2.1 Basic Data Concepts
    • Types
    • Expressions
    • Literals
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Precedence
    • Mixing and Converting Types
  • 2.2 Variables
    • A Program with Variables
    • Increment/Decrement Operators
    • Printing Multiple Values
  • 2.3 The for Loop
    • Using a Loop Variable
    • Details about Ranges
    • String Multiplication and Printing Partial Lines
    • Nested for Loops
  • 2.4 Managing Complexity
    • Scope
    • Pseudocode
    • Constants
  • 2.5 Case Study: Hourglass Figure
    • Problem Decomposition and Pseudocode
    • Initial Structured Version
    • Adding a Constant

Chapter 3 Parameters and Graphics

  • 3.1 Parameters
    • The Mechanics of Parameters
    • Limitations of Parameters
    • Multiple Parameters
    • Parameters versus Constants
    • Optional Parameters
  • 3.2 Returning Values
    • The math Module
    • The random Module
    • Defining Functions That Return Values
    • Returning Multiple Values
  • 3.3 Interactive Programs
    • Sample Interactive Program
  • 3.4 Graphics
    • Introduction to DrawingPanel
    • Drawing Lines and Shapes
    • Colors
    • Drawing with Loops
    • Text and Fonts
    • Images
    • Procedural Decomposition with Graphics
  • 3.5 Case Study: Projectile Trajectory
    • Unstructured Solution
    • Structured Solution
    • Graphical Version

Chapter 4 Conditional Execution

  • 4.1 if/else Statements
    • Relational Operators
    • Nested if/else Statements
    • Factoring if/else Statements
    • Testing Multiple Conditions
  • 4.2 Cumulative Algorithms
    • Cumulative Sum
    • Min/Max Loops
    • Cumulative Sum with if
    • Roundoff Errors
  • 4.3 Functions with Conditional Execution
    • Preconditions and Postconditions
    • Raising Exceptions
    • Revisiting Return Values
    • Reasoning about Paths
  • 4.4 Strings
    • String Methods
    • Accessing Characters by Index
    • Converting between Letters and Numbers
    • Cumulative Text Algorithms
  • 4.5 Case Study: Basal Metabolic Rate
    • One-Person Unstructured Solution
    • Two-Person Unstructured Solution
    • Two-Person Structured Solution
    • Procedural Design Heuristics

Chapter 5 Program Logic and Indefinite Loops

  • 5.1 The while Loop
    • A Loop to Find the Smallest Divisor
    • Loop Priming
  • 5.2 Fencepost Algorithms
    • Fencepost with if
    • Sentinel Loops
    • Sentinel with Min/Max
  • 5.3 Boolean Logic
    • Logical Operators
    • Boolean Variables and Flags
    • Predicate Functions
    • Boolean Zen
    • Short-Circuited Evaluation
  • 5.4 Robust Programs
    • The try/except Statement
    • Handling User Errors
  • 5.5 Assertions and Program Logic
    • Reasoning about Assertions
    • A Detailed Assertions Example
  • 5.6 Case Study: Number Guessing Game
    • Initial Version without Hinting
    • Randomized Version with Hinting
    • Final Robust Version

Chapter 6 File Processing

  • 6.1 File-Reading Basics
    • Data and Files
    • Reading a File in Python
    • Line-Based File Processing
    • Structure of Files and Consuming Input
    • Prompting for a File
  • 6.2 Token-Based Processing
    • Numeric Input
    • Handling Invalid Input
    • Mixing Lines and Tokens
    • Handling Varying Numbers of Tokens
    • Complex Input Files
  • 6.3 Advanced File Processing
    • Multi-Line Input Records
    • File Output
    • Reading Data from the Web
  • 6.4 Case Study: ZIP Code Lookup

Chapter 7 Lists

  • 7.1 List Basics
    • Creating Lists
    • Accessing List Elements
    • Traversing a List
    • A Complete List Program
    • Random Access
    • List Methods
  • 7.2 List-Traversal Algorithms
    • Lists as Parameters
    • Searching a List
    • Replacing and Removing Values
    • Reversing a List
    • Shifting Values in a List
    • Nested Loop Algorithms
    • List Comprehensions
  • 7.3 Reference Semantics
    • Values and References
    • Modifying a List Parameter
    • The Value None
    • Mutability
    • Tuples
  • 7.4 Multidimensional Lists
    • Rectangular Lists
    • Jagged Lists
    • Lists of Pixels
  • 7.5 Case Study: Benford’s Law
    • Tallying Values
    • Completing the Program

Chapter 8 Dictionaries and Sets

  • 8.1 Dictionary Basics
    • Creating a Dictionary
    • Dictionary Operations
    • Looping Over a Dictionary
    • Dictionary Ordering
  • 8.2 Advanced Dictionary Usage
    • Dictionary for Tallying
    • Nested Collections
    • Dictionary Comprehensions
  • 8.3 Sets
    • Set Basics
    • Set Operations
    • Set Efficiency
    • Set Example: Lottery

Chapter 9 Recursion

  • 9.1 Thinking Recursively
    • A Nonprogramming Example
    • Iteration to Recursion
    • Structure of Recursive Solutions
    • Reversing a File
    • The Recursive Call Stack
  • 9.2 Recursive Functions and Data
    • Integer Exponentiation
    • Greatest Common Divisor
    • Directory Crawler
  • 9.3 Recursive Graphics
    • Cantor Set
    • Sierpinski Triangle
  • 9.4 Recursive Backtracking
    • Traveling North/East
    • Eight Queens Puzzle
    • Stopping after One Solution
  • 9.5 Case Study: Prefix Evaluator
    • Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Notation
    • Evaluating Prefix Expressions
    • Complete Program

Chapter 10 Searching and Sorting

  • 10.1 Searching and Sorting Libraries
    • Binary Search