
Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment FOR Learning, An, 7th edition

  • Jan Chappuis
  • , Rick J. Stiggins

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1. Classroom Assessment for Student Success
2. Why We Assess
3. What We Assess: Clear Learning Targets
4. Designing Quality Classroom Assessments
5. Selected Response Assessment
6. Written Response Assessment
7. Performance Assessment
8. Personal Communication as Assessment
9. Record Keeping: It's More Than Paperwork
10. Students Collecting and Reflecting on Evidence of Their Learning
11. Report Card Grading: Summarizing Achievement at a Point in Time
12. Effective Communication with Conferences

Appendix A Assessing Dispositions
Appendix B Understanding Standardized Tests


Chapter 1: Classroom Assessment for Student Success
Chapter 1 Learning Targets
The Teacher's Classroom Assessment Responsibilities
Gathering Accurate Information about Student Learning
Supporting Student Learning
Keys to Assessment Quality
Key 1: Start with a Clear Purpose
Key 2: Establish Clear and Appropriate Learning Targets
Key 3: Create High-Quality Assessments That Yield Dependable Information
Key 4: Communicate Results Effectively
An Overarching Principle: Student Involvement
A Classroom Example of Student-Involved Assessment
Understanding Motivation to Learn
Learning Orientation
Ego-Involved Orientation
Task-Completion Orientation
Goal Orientations and College and Career Readiness
Goal Orientations and the Connection to Assessment
Summary: The Importance of Sound Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 2: Why We Assess
Chapter 2 Learning Targets
Formative and Summative Purposes for Assessment
High-Impact Formative Assessment Practices
How Formative and Summative Assessment Fits into a Balanced Assessment System
Balancing Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom
Balanced Assessment throughout the School System
Annual Testing
Assessment for Learning in the Classroom
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Now?
How Can I Close the Gap?
The Seven Strategies as a Progression
Summary: Assessment for Many Purposes
Suggested Activities

Chapter 3: What We Assess: Clear Learning Targets
Chapter 3 Learning Targets
Defining Learning Targets
Where Learning Targets Come From
Content Standards Developed by National Organizations and Consortia
Categories of Learning Targets
Knowledge-Level Targets
Reasoning-Level Targets
Performance Skill Targets
Product-Level Targets
Disposition Targets--the Affective Domain
Classifying Targets by Type
Deconstructing Complex Content Standards
Communicating Learning Targets to Students Share the Target "As Is"
Convert the Terms in the Target to Student-Friendly Language
Share a Student-Friendly Version of a Rubric with Students
When to Share the Target and How to Check for Understanding
Summary: Clear Targets Are Essential for Sound Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 4: Designing Quality Classroom Assessments
Chapter 4 Learning Targets
The Assessment Options
Selected Response Assessment
Written Response Assessment
Performance Assessment
Personal Communication
Selecting an Appropriate Assessment Method
Assessing Knowledge Targets Accurately
Assessing Reasoning Targets Accurately
Assessing Mastery of Performance Skills Accurately
Assessing Product Targets Accurately
The Assessment Development Cycle
The Assessment Planning Stage
The Assessment Development Stage
The Assessment Use and Refinement Stage
Formative Assessment Ideas for Use with Assessment Blueprints
Summary: A Vision of Excellence in Classroom Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 5: Selected Response Assessment
Chapter 5 Learning Targets
The Myth of Objectivity
Considerations When Using Selected Response Assessment
Creating a High-Quality Selected Response Assessment
Step 1: Determining the Assessment Purpose
Step 2: Specifying the Intended Learning Targets
Step 3: Selecting the Appropriate Assessment Method(s)
Step 4: Determining the Appropriate Sample Size
Step 5: Develop or Select Items, Exercises, Tasks, and Scoring Procedures
Step 6: Review and Critique the Overall Assessment before Use
Steps 7 and 8: Use and Refine the Assessment
Using Selected Response Assessment Formatively with Students
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Now?
How Can I Close the Gap?
Summary: Productive Selected Response Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 6: Written Response Assessment
Chapter 6 Learning Targets
Considerations When Using Written Response Assessment
Written Response Assessment of Knowledge-Level Learning Targets
Written Response Assessment of Reasoning-Level Learning Targets
Assessing Student Writing as a Product
Creating a High-Quality Written Response Assessment
Step 1: Determining the Assessment Purpose
Step 2: Specifying the Intended Learning Targets
Step 3: Selecting the Appropriate Assessment Method(s)
Step 4: Determining the Appropriate Sample Size
Step 5 Part I: Develop or Select the Items
Step 5 Part II: Develop or Select the Scoring Guide
Step 6: Review and Critique the Overall Assessment before Use
Steps 7 and 8: Use and Refine the Assessment
Using Written Response Assessment Formatively with Students
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Now?
How Can I Close the Gap?
Summary: Tapping the Potential of Written Response Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 7: Performance Assessment
Chapter 7 Learning Targets
Considerations When Using Performance Assessment
Performance Assessment of Knowledge-Level Targets
Performance Assessment of Reasoning-Level Targets
Performance Assessment of Performance Skill Targets
Performance Assessment of Product Targets
Planning a High-Quality Performance Assessment
Step 1: Determining the Assessment Purpose
Step 2: Specifying the Intended Learning Targets
Step 3: Selecting the Appropriate Assessment Method(s)
Step 4: Determining the Appropriate Sample Size
Step 5 Part I: Develop or Select the Task
Step 6 Part I: Review and Critique the Task before Use
Step 5 Part II: Develop or Select the Scoring Rubric
Step 6 Part II: Review and Critique the Rubric before Use
Steps 7 and 8: Use and Refine the Assessment
Using Performance Assessment Formatively with Students
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Now?
How Can I Close the Gap?
Summary: Thoughtful Development Yields High-Quality Performance Tasks and Rubrics
Suggested Activities

Chapter 8: Personal Communication as Assessment
Chapter 8 Learning Targets
Considerations When Assessing Via Personal Communication
Assessing Knowledge-Level Learning Targets with Personal Communication
Assessing Reasoning-Level Learning Targets with Personal Communication
Assessing Performance Skill Targets with Personal Communication
Assessing Product Targets with Personal Communication
Understanding the Quality Control Issues
Example of a More Challenging Fit
The Many Forms of Personal Communication as Assessment
Instructional Questions and Answers
Class Discussions
Conferences and Interviews
Oral Examinations
Journals and Logs
Summary: Person-to-Person Assessment
Suggested Activities

Chapter 9: Record Keeping: It's More Than Paperwork
Chapter 9 Learning Targets
From Records to Useful Information
Guideline 1: Record Formative and Summative Assessment Information Separately
Guideline 2: Organize Entries in the Gradebook According to the Learning Target Represented
Standards-Based Grade Reports
Using Computer Programs for Grade Management
Level of Detail
Guideline 3: Keep Track of Work Habits and Social Skills Separately from Achievement Information
Extra Credit Work
Guideline 4: Record Information by Raw Score When Possible
Summary: Going for the Record
Suggested Activities

Chapter 10: Students Collecting and Reflecting on Evidence of Their Learning
Chapter 10 Learning Targets
Prerequisites to Successful Student Record Keeping
Recording Information from Assignments and Assessments
Writing in Learning Journals
Collecting Evidence in a Portfolio
Benefits of Portfolios
Misconceptions about Portfolios
Types of Portfolios
Work Sample Annotations
Involving Students in Selecting Portfolio Entries
Periodic Student Self-Reflection
Summary: Student-Involved Record Keeping and Reflection
Suggested Activities

Chapter 11: Report Card Grading: Summarizing Achievement at a Point in Time
Chapter 11 Learning Targets
What Is the Purpose of Grades?
Underlying Belief 1: The Purpose of Grades Is Also to
Sort and Select
Underlying Belief 2: The Purpose of Grades Is Also to Motivate
The Sole Purpose of Grades Is to Communicate
Communicate about What?
Aptitude as a Grading Factor
Effort as a Grading Factor
Compliance as a Grading Factor
Communicate about Achievement Only in the Academic Grade
Report on Other Factors Separately
A Word about Grading in a Cooperative Learning Context
Summarizing Assessment Information
Step 1: Use the Most Current Information
Step 2: Verify Accuracy of Evidence
Step 3: Convert Entries to a Common Scale
Step 4: Weight Information as Needed
Step 5: Combine Information Thoughtfully
Converting Rubric Scores to Grades
Average Ratings
Identifying a Pattern of Ratings
Combining Rubric Ratings with Other Assessment Information
Reporting the Final Grade
Keep the Link to Learning Targets
Inform Students in Advance of Your Grading Procedures
Summary: Communicating with Report Card Grades
Suggested Activities

Chapter 12: Effective Communication with Conferences
Chapter 12 Learning Targets
Conference Options
Feedback Conferences
The Purpose for a Feedback Conference
Materials Needed
The Protocol for a Feedback Conference
Goal-Setting Conferences
The Purpose for a Goal-Setting Conference
Materials Needed
The Protocol for a Goal-Setting Conference
Achievement Conferences
The Purpose of an Achievement Conference
The Protocol for an Achievement Conference
Intervention Conferences
The Purpose of an Intervention Conference
Materials Needed for an Intervention Conference
The Protocol for an Intervention Conference
Summary: Conferences as Effective Communication
Suggested Activities

Appendix A Assessing Dispositions
Appendix B Understanding Standardized Tests