Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 7th edition
- Robert M Shusta
- , Deena R Levine
- , Aaron T. Olson
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Multicultural Law Enforcement is a classic text in peacekeeping, cultural awareness and diversity in law enforcement. It provides practical information and insight to prepare officers for culturally sensitive policing. The content explores the pervasive influences of culture, race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation in the workplace and in multicultural communities.
The 7th Edition reflects new information on issues facing law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve, such as implicit biases and police-community mutual stereotypes. It delves into topics such as gangs, human trafficking, homelessness and mental illness, as well as the impact of international events on US law enforcement.
Published by Pearson (July 23rd 2021) - Copyright © 2019
ISBN-13: 9780137524143
Subject: Criminal Justice
Category: Multicultural Issues in Law Enforcement
1. Multicultural Communities: Challenges for Law Enforcement
The Interface of Law Enforcement and Diverse Communities
Attitudes about the Multicultural Society: Past and Present
Global Migration, Refugees, and Immigrants in the United States
Culture and Its Relevance to Law Enforcement
Dimensions of Diversity
Prejudice and Bias in Law Enforcement
Police Leadership in a Multicultural Society
Discussion Questions and Issues
2. The Changing Law Enforcement Agency: A Microcosm of Society
Changing Workforce
Racism Within the Law Enforcement Workforce
Women in Law Enforcement
LGBTQ Employees in Law Enforcement
Commitment, Leadership, and Management in the Diverse Workforce
Discussion Questions and Issues
3. Multicultural Representation in Law Enforcement: Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion
Recruitment of a Diverse Workforce
Attracting and Retaining Women and Minorities
Selection Processes
Retention and Promotion of a Diverse Workforce
Discussion Questions and Issues
4. Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement
Language Barriers
Attitudes toward Limited English Speakers
Cross-Cultural Communication Insights
Cross-Cultural/Racial Communication Dynamics
The Importance of Verbal De-Escalation
Interviewing and Data-Gathering Skills
Nonverbal Communication
Male-Female Communication in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
5. Law Enforcement Contact with Asian/Pacific Americans
Asian/Pacific American Defined
Historical Information
Demographics: Diversity among Asian/Pacific Americans
Labels and Terms
Myths and Stereotypes
The Asian/Pacific American Family
Communication Styles of Asian/Pacific Americans
Key Issues in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
6. Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans
Historical Information
Demographics: Diversity among African Americans
Identity and Selected Movements
Stereotypes and Cross-Racial Perceptions
The African American Family
Language and Communication
Key Issues in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
7. Law Enforcement Contact with Latino/Hispanic Americans
Latino/Hispanic Americans Defined
Historical Information
Demographics: Diversity among Latino/Hispanic Americans
Myths and Stereotypes
The Latino/Hispanic American Family
Communication Styles of Latino/Hispanic Americans
Key Issues in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
8. Law Enforcement Contact with Arab Americans and Other Middle Eastern Groups
Middle Easterners and Related Terminology Defined
Historical Information and Arab American Demographics
Differences and Similarities
Islamic Religion
Family Structure
Communication Styles and Cultural Practices
Key Issues in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
9. Law Enforcement Contact with Native Americans
Historical Information and Background
Native American Populations, Reservations, Tribes, and Identity
Similarities among Native Americans
Language and Communication
Offensive Terms, Labels, and Stereotypes
Family and Acculturation Issues
Key Issues in Law Enforcement
Discussion Questions and Issues
10. Law Enforcement Contact with Gangs, Victims of Human Trafficking, the Homeless, and the Mentally Ill
Types of Gangs and Criminal Activity
Reasons for Gang Formation
Law Enforcement Strategies to Reduce Gang Problems
Victims of Human Trafficking
Physical and Psychological Health Consequences on Victims
Law Enforcement Strategies to Stop Human Trafficking
The Demographics of Homelessness
Peacekeeping Responses to the Homelessness Crisis
Understanding Dimensions of Mental Illness
Police Protocol in Encounters with People Who Have Mental Illness
Proactive Response Strategies Between Police and People with Mental Illness
Discussion Questions and Issues
11. Hate/Bias Crimes
The Hate/Bias Crime Problem
Definition of Hate/Bias Crime and Hate/Bias Incident
Hate/Bias Crime Source Theories
Jews and Anti-Semitism
Anti-Arab/Muslim Victimization
LGBTQ and Gender Identity Victimization
Organized Hate Groups
Hate/Bias Crime and Incident Investigations
Hate/Bias Crime/Incident Control and Prosecution
Law Enforcement Response Strategies
Hate/Bias Crime and Incident Victimology
Discussion Questions and Issues
12. Racial Profiling
Historical Background of the Term Racial Profiling
Profiling Challenges and Terrorism
Police and Citizens' Perceptions of Racial Profiling
Profiling as a Legal Tool of Law Enforcement
Controversy around Racial Profiling and the "War on Terrorism"
Prevention of Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement
Professional Police Traffic Stops
Data Collection on Citizens' Race/Ethnicity
Discussion Questions and Issues
A. General Distinctions among Generations of Immigrants
B. Cross-Cultural Communication Skills Assessment for Law Enforcement Professionals
C. Listing of Selected Gangs and Identifying Characteristics
D. Resources for Law Enforcement: Gangs and Human Trafficking
E. Organized Hate Groups
F. Resources for Hate/Bias Crimes Monitoring
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