
Nature and Properties of Soils, The, 15th edition

  • Ray R. Weil
  • , Nyle C. Brady

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  1. The Soils Around Us
    • What Ecosystem Services Do Soils Perform?
    • How Do Soils Support Plant Growth?
    • How Do Soils Regulate Water Supplies?
    • How Do Soils Recycle Raw Materials?
    • How Do Soils Modify the Atmosphere?
    • What Lives in the Soil Habitat?
    • Soil as an Engineering Medium
    • The Pedosphere and the Critical Zone?
    • Soils as Natural Bodies
    • How Do Living Organisms (Including People) Affect Soil Formation?
    • How Does Topography Affect Soil Formation? How Does Time Affect Soil
    • Formation
    • Four Basic Processes of Soil Formation
    • The Soil Profile
    • Urban Soils
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
    • The Soil Profile and Its Layers (Horizons)
    • Topsoil and Subsoil
    • Soil-Interface of Air, Minerals, Water, and Life
    • What are the Mineral (Inorganic) Constituents of Soils?
    • The Nature of Soil Organic Matter
    • Soil Water-Dynamic and Complex
    • Soil Air: A Changing Mixture of Gases
    • How Do Soil Components Interact to Supply Nutrients to Plants?
    • How Do Plant Roots Obtain Nutrients?
    • Soil Health, Degradation, and Resilience
    • Conclusions
    • Study Questions
    • References
  2. Information of Soils from Parent Materials
    • Weathering of Rocks and Minerals
    • What Environmental Factors Influence Soil Formation?
    • Parent Materials
    • How Does Climate Affect Soil Formation?
  3. Soil Classification
    • Concept of Individual Soils
    • Soil Taxonomy: A Comprehensive Classification System
    • Categories and Nomenclature of Soil Taxonomy
    • Soil Orders
    • Entisols (Recent: Little If Any Profile Development)
    • Inceptisols (Few Diagnostic Features: Inception of B Horizon)
    • Andisols (Volcanic Ash Soils)
    • Gelisols (Permafrost and Frost Churning)
    • Histosols (Organic Soils Without Permafrost)
    • Aridisols (Dry Soils)
    • Vertisols (Dark, Swelling, and Cracking Clays)
    • Mollisols (Dark, Soft Soils of Grasslands)
    • Alfisols (Argillic or Natric Horizon, Moderately Leached)
    • Ultisols (Argillic Horizon, Highly Leached)
    • Spodosols (Acid, Sandy, Forest Soils, Highly Leached)
    • Oxisols (Oxic Horizon, Highly Weathered)
    • Lower-Level Categories in Soil Taxonomy Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  4. Soil Architecture and Physical Properties
    • Soil Color
    • Soil Texture (Size Distribution of Soil Particles)
    • Soil Textural Classes
    • Structure of Mineral Soils
    • Formation and Stabilization of Soil Aggregates
    • Tillage and Structural Management of Soils
    • Soil Density
    • Pore Space of Mineral Soils
    • Soil Properties Relevant to Engineering Uses
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  5. Soil Water: Characteristics and Behavior
    • Structure and Related Properties of Water
    • Capillary Fundamentals and Soil Water
    • Soil Water Energy Concepts
    • Soil Water Content and Soil Water Potential
    • The Flow of Liquid Water in Soil
    • Infiltration and Percolation
    • Water Vapor Movement in Soils
    • Qualitative Description of Soil Wetness
    • Factors Affecting Amount of Plant-Available Soil Water
    • Mechanisms by Which Plants are Supplied with Water
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  6. Soil and the Hydrologic Cycle
    • The Global Hydrologic Cycle
    • Fate of Incoming Water
    • The Soil - Plant - Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC)
    • Control of ET
    • Liquid Losses of Water from the Soil
    • Percolation and Groundwater
    • Enhancing Soil Drainage
    • Septic Tank Drain Fields
    • Irrigation Principles and Practices
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  7. Soil Aeration and Temperature
    • Soil Aeration-The Process
    • Means of Characterizing Soil Aeration
    • Oxidation - Reduction (Redox) Potential
    • Factors Affecting Soil Aeration and Eh
    • Ecological Effects of Soil Aeration
    • Soil Aeration in Urban Landscapes
    • Wetlands and Their Poorly Aerated Soils
    • Processes Affected by Soil Temperature
    • Absorption and Loss of Solar Energy
    • Thermal Properties of Soils
    • Soil Temperature Control
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  8. The Colloidal Fraction: Seat of Soil Chemical and Physical Activity
    • General Properties and Types of Soil Colloids
    • Fundamentals of Layer Silicate Clay Structure
    • Mineralogical Organization of Silicate Clays
    • Structural Characteristics of Nonsilicate Colloids
    • Genesis and Geographic Distribution of Soil Colloids
    • Sources of Charges on Soil Colloids
    • Adsorption of Cations and Anions
    • Cation Exchange Reactions
    • Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
    • Exchangeable Cations in Field Soils
    • Anion Exchange
    • Sorption of Pesticides and Groundwater Contamination
    • Binding of Biomolecules to Clay and Humus
  9. Soil Acidity
    • What Processes Cause Soil Acidification?
    • Role of Aluminum in Soil Acidity
    • Pools of Soil Acidity
    • Buffering of pH in Soils
    • How Can We Measure Soil PH?
    • Human-Influenced Soil Acidification
    • Biological Effects of Soil pH
    • Raising Soil pH by Liming
    • Alternative Ways to Ameliorate the Ill Effects of Soil Acidity
    • Lowering Soil pH
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  10. Soils of Dry Regions: Alkalinity, Salinity, and Sodicity
    • Characteristics and Problems of Dry Region Soils
    • Causes of High Soil pH (Alkalinity)
    • Development of Salt-Affected Soils
    • Measuring Salinity and Sodicity
    • Classes of Salt-Affected Soils
    • Physical Degradation of Soil by Sodic Chemical Conditions
    • Biological Impacts of Salt-Affected Soils
    • Water-Quality Considerations for Irrigation
    • Reclamation of Saline Soils
    • Reclamation of Saline - Sodic and Sodic Soils
    • Management of Reclaimed Soils
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  11. Organisms and Ecology of the Soil
    • The Diversity of Organisms in the Soil
    • Organisms in Action
    • Abundance, Biomass, and Metabolic Activity
    • Earthworms
    • Ants and Termites
    • Soil Microanimals
    • Plant Roots
    • Soil Algae
    • Soil Fungi
    • Soil Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea
    • Conditions Affecting the Growth and Activity of Soil Microorganisms
    • Beneficial Effects of Soil Organisms on Plant Communities
    • Soil Organisms and Plant Damage
    • Ecological Relationships among Soil Organisms
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  12. Soil Organic Matter
    • The Global Carbon Cycle
    • Organic Decomposition in Soils
    • Factors Controlling Rates of Residue Decomposition and Mineralization
    • Genesis and Nature of Soil Organic Matter and Humus
    • Influences of Organic Matter on Plant Growth and Soil Function
    • Amounts and Quality of Organic Matter in Soils
    • Carbon Balance in the Soil - Plant - Atmosphere System
    • Environmental Factors Influencing Soil Organic Carbon Levels
    • Soil Organic Matter Management
    • Soils and Climate Change
    • Composts and Composting
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  13. Nitrogen and Sulfur Economy of Soils
    • Influence of Nitrogen on Plant Growth and Development
    • Distribution of Nitrogen and the Nitrogen Cycle
    • Immobilization and Mineralization
    • Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
    • Ammonium Fixation by Clay Minerals
    • Ammonia Volatilization
    • Nitrification
    • Gaseous Losses by Denitrification and Anammox
    • Biological Nitrogen Fixation
    • Symbiotic Fixation with Legumes
    • Symbiotic Fixation with Nonlegumes
    • Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation
    • Nitrogen Deposition from the Atmosphere
    • The Nitrate Leaching Problem
    • Practical Management of Soil Nitrogen
    • Importance of Sulfur
    • Natural Sources of Sulfur
    • The Sulfur Cycle
    • Behavior of Sulfur Compounds in Soils
    • Sulfur Oxidation and Reduction
    • Sulfur Retention and Exchange
    • Sulfur and Soil Fertility Maintenance
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  14. Soil Phosphorus and Potassium
    • Phosphorus in Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility
    • Effects of Phosphorus on Environmental Quality
    • The Phosphorus Cycle
    • Organic Phosphorus in Soils
    • Inorganic Phosphorus in Soils
    • Solubility of Inorganic Soil Phosphorus
    • Phosphorus-Fixation Capacity of Soils
    • Plant Strategies for Adequate Phosphorus Acquisition from Soils
    • Practical Phosphorus Management
    • Potassium: Nature and Ecological Roles
    • Potassium in Plant and Animal Nutrition
    • The Potassium Cycle
    • The Potassium Problem in Soil Fertility
    • Forms and Availability of Potassium in Soils
    • Factors Affecting Potassium Fixation in Soils
    • Practical Aspects of Potassium Management
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  15. Calcium, Magnesium, Silicon, and Trace Elements
    • Calcium as an Essential Nutrient
    • Magnesium as a Plant Nutrient
    • Silicon in Soil - Plant Ecology
    • Deficiency Versus Toxicity
    • Micronutrient Roles in Plants
    • Sources of Micronutrients
    • Factors Influencing the Availability of the Trace Element Cations
    • Organic Compounds as Chelates
    • Factors Influencing the Availability of the Trace Element Anions
    • Soil Management and Trace Element Needs
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  16. Practical Nutrient Management
    • Goals of Nutrient Management
    • Nutrients as Pollutants
    • Natural Ecosystem Nutrient Cycles
    • Recycling Nutrients Through Animal Manures
    • Industrial and Municipal By-Products
    • Practical Utilization of Organic Nutrient Sources
    • Inorganic Commercial Fertilizers
    • Fertilizer Application Methods
    • Timing of Fertilizer Application
    • Diagnostic Tools and Methods
    • Soil Analysis
    • Site-Index Approach to Phosphorus Management
    • Some Advances and Challenges in Fertilizer Management
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  17. Soil Erosion and Its Control
    • Significance of Soil Erosion and Land Degradation
    • On-Site and Off-Site impacts of Accelerated Soil Erosion
    • Mechanics of Water Erosion
    • Models to Predict the Extent of Water-Induced Erosion
    • Factors Affecting Interrill and Rill Erosion
    • Conservation Tillage
    • Vegetative Barriers
    • Control of Gully Erosion and Mass Wasting
    • Control of Accelerated Erosion on Range- and Forestland
    • Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites
    • Wind Erosion: Importance and Factors Affecting It
    • Predicting and Controlling Wind Erosion
    • Tillage Erosion
    • Land Capability Classification as a Guide to Conservation
    • Progress in Soil Conservation
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  18. Soils and Chemical Pollution
    • Toxic Organic Chemicals
    • Kinds of Organic Contaminants
    • Behavior of Organic Chemicals in Soil
    • Effects of Pesticides on Soil Organisms
    • Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Organic Chemicals
    • Soil Contamination with Toxic Inorganic Substances
    • Potential Hazards of Chemicals in Sewage Sludge
    • Prevention and Remediation of Inorganic Soil Contamination
    • Landfills
    • Radionuclides in Soil
    • Radon Gas from Soils
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  19. Geographic Soils Information
    • Soil Spatial Variability in the Field
    • Techniques and Tools for Mapping Soils
    • Modern Technology for Soil Investigations
    • Remote Sensing in Soil Survey
    • Making a Soil Survey
    • Using Soil Surveys
    • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    • Digital Soil Maps: Properties or Polygons?
    • GIS, GPS, and Precision Agriculture
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References
  20. Prospects for Soil health in the Anthropocene
    • The Concepts of Soil Health and Soil Quality
    • Soil Resistance and Resilience
    • Soils and Global Ecosystem Services
    • Using Plants to Improve Soil Health
    • Feeding the Human Population
    • Intensified Agriculture-the Green Revolution
    • Impacts of Vastly Increased Ratios of People to Land
    • Sustainable Agriculture in Developed Countries
    • Biochar: Hype or Hope for Soil Quality?
    • Organic Farming Systems
    • Sustainable Agriculture Systems for Resource- Poor Farmers
    • Conclusion
    • Study Questions
    • References


  1. World Reference Base, Canadian, and Australian Soil Classification Systems
  2. SI Units, Conversion Factors, Periodic Table of the Elements, and Plant Names
Glossary of Soil Science Terms