
Reading Literature and Writing Argument, 7th edition

  • Missy James
  • , Alan P. Merickel
  • , Jenny McHenry

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Reading Literature and Writing Argument presents you with literature and argument as sources of inspiration and empowerment; making the case that literature liberates thinking and argument disciplines it, while writing is valued when it makes readers think. Organized into 2 parts as Rhetoric and Anthology, it provides multi-genre reading experiences. You'll be immersed in critical and creative thinking as you address problems and issues from multiple perspectives. The authors encourage you to see language create meaning in your life, and to see yourself as a writer with a purpose and an audience.

The 7th Edition is extensively revised, with abundant new reading selections, new activities, student writing samples and more.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2020

ISBN-13: 9780137498413

Subject: Literature

Category: Introduction to Literature

NOTE: Both brief and comprehensive tables of contents are listed.


1. Connecting Argument and Literature
2. Reading Creatively and Reading Critically
3. Analyzing Argument
4. Writing an Argument Essay
5. Researching and Documenting an Argument Essay
6. Individual and Community Identity
7. Crime and Punishment
8. Power and Responsibility
Authors' Biographical Notes
Author/Title Index
Subject Index


1. Connecting Argument and Literature
1.1 Academic Argument versus Confrontational Argument
1.2 Academic Argument and Critical Thinking
1.3 Reading Literature to Expand Thinking and to Explore Issues
Mercedez Holtry, "Something out of Nothing"
1.4 Chapter Activities
David Brooks, "The Art of Thinking Well"
Beth Ann Fennelly, "We Are the Renters"

2. Reading Creatively and Reading Critically
2.1 Active Reading
2.2 Reading Carefully
2.3 Reading Creatively
Dudley Randall, "Ballad of Birmingham"
2.4 Reading Critically
Student Essay: Doralicia Giacoman-Soto, "‘Ballad of Birmingham': A Mother's Grief Delivers a Message to Us All"
Theodore Roethke, "My Papa's Waltz"
2.5 Synthesizing Creative and Critical Reading
William Carlos Williams, "The Red Wheelbarrow"
2.6 Chapter Activities
Robert Browning, "Porphyria's Lover"

3. Analyzing Argument
3.1 Components of an Argument
Kenneth Rexroth, "Cold Before Dawn"
William Blake, "London"
3.2 Logical Fallacies
3.3 Rhetorical Context and Aristotle's Argument Model
Martín Espada, "Federico's Ghost"
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18
Jamaica Kincaid, "Girl"
3.4 Chapter Activities
Robert Hayden, "Those Winter Sundays"
Randy Horick, "Truer to the Game"
Thomas E. Templeton, New York Times letter to the editor
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (excerpt)
Wilfred Owen, "Dulce et Decorum Est"
Bret Stephens, "The Dying Art of Disagreement" (excerpt)

4. Writing an Argument Essay
4.1 Focusing an Argument Essay Assignment
4.2 Articulating a Claim and Developing a Plan for Writing an Argument Essay
4.3 Creating and Revising a Draft
Student Essay: John Miller, "Domestic Oil Drilling: Providing Little, Wasting a Lot"
4.4 Rogerian Argument Strategy: Creative Problem Solving
Student Essay: Christian Garcia, "A Bull's Life"
4.5 Chapter Activities
Student Essay: Cale Blount, "The Last Words of Power"

5. Researching and Documenting an Argument Essay
5.1 Researching to Discover
5.2 Locating Credible Sources
5.3 Incorporating Sources
5.4 Documenting Sources
5.5 Using an Annotated Student Essay as a Model
Student Essay: Josh Griep, "Wild Captives: The Exotic Animal Trade"
5.6 Chapter Activities
Jennifer Bussey, "Critical Essay on ‘The Red Convertible'" (excerpt)
Student Essay: Marlee Head, "A Study in Sherlock"

6. Individual and Community Identity
6.1 Prewriting and Discussion: Individual and Community Identity
6.2 Fiction
6.3 Kate Chopin, "The Storm"
6.4 Henry, "The Gift of the Magi"
6.5 Katherine Mansfield, "The Garden Party"
6.6 Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery"
6.7 Louise Erdrich, "The Red Convertible"
6.8 Rick Bass, "Antlers"
6.9 Randall Kenan, "The Foundations of the Earth"
6.10 Beth H. Piatote, "Beading Lesson"
6.11 Poetry
6.12 Emily Dickinson, "Much Madness is divinest Sense"
6.13 Thomas Hardy, "The Ruined Maid"
6.14 Edwin Arlington Robinson, "Richard Cory"
6.15 Claude McKay, "Outcast"
6.16 Adrienne Rich, "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers"
6.17 Gary Snyder, "Not Leaving the House"
6.18 Judy Grahn, "Ella, in a Square Apron, Along Highway 80"
6.19 Peter Meinke, "Advice to My Son"
6.20 Cathy Song, "Lost Sister"
6.21 Mary Oliver, "Wild Geese"
6.22 Margaret Walker, "Lineage"
6.23 Alma Luz Villanueva, "Crazy Courage"
6.24 Michael Cleary, "Boss's Son"
6.25 Meri Culp, "Cayenne Warning"
6.26 Margarita Engle, "Counting"
6.27 Drama
6.28 William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will
6.29 Sharon E. Cooper, Siriously
6.30 Nonfiction
6.31 Sullivan Ballou, Major Sullivan Ballou's Letter to His Wife
6.32 Scott Russell Sanders, "The Men We Carry in Our Minds"
6.33 Richard Rodriguez, "The Chinese in All of Us"
6.34 John Hope Franklin, "The Train from Hate"
6.35 Lu Vickers, "New Last Words for My Mother: I meant what I said, but I wish I hadn't said it."
6.36 Robin D. G. Kelley, "The People in Me"
6.37 Katrina Karkazis and Rebecca Jordan-Young, "The Trouble with Too Much T"
6.38 Laurie Penny, "Bots at Work: Men Will Lose the Most Jobs. That's OK."
6.39 Chapter Activities
Topics for Writing Arguments
Taking a Global Perspective: Individuals and Global Online Communities
Collaborating on a Rogerian Argument
Sample Topic: Immigration Reform
Arguing Themes from Literature
Multimodal Activity: "Never Say Die" Diners

7. Crime and Punishment
7.1 Prewriting and Discussion: Crime and Punishment
7.2 Fiction
7.3 Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Birth-Mark"
7.4 Edgar Allen Poe, "The Cask of Amontillado"
7.5. Ambrose Bierce, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
7.6 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"
7.7 Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"
7.8 Brady Udall, "He Becomes Deeply and Famously Drunk"
7.9 Poetry
7.10 "A Few Lines on Magnus Mode, Richard Hodges & J. Newington Clark"
7.11 E. Housman, "The Use and Abuse of Toads"
7.12 H. Lawrence, "Snake"
7.13 Don Marquis, "A Communication from Archy the Cockroach"
7.14 Langston Hughes, "Justice"
7.15 Marge Piercy, "What's That Smell in the Kitchen?"
7.16 Etheridge Knight, "Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane"
7.17 Robert Johnson, "Police line: do not cross"
7.18 Drama
7.19 Susan Glaspell, Trifles
7.20 Nonfiction
7.21 Francis Bacon, "Of Revenge"
7.22 George G. Vest, "Eulogy of the Dog"
7.23 George Orwell, "A Hanging"
7.24 Edward Abbey, "Eco-Defense"
7.25 Peter J. Henning, "Determining a Punishment That Fits the Crime"
7.26 Barry Meier, "Origins of an Epidemic: Purdue Pharma Knew Its Opioids Were Widely Abused"
7.27 Chapter Activities
Topics for Writing Arguments
Taking a Global Perspective: Gun Control Laws and Mass Shootings
Collaborating on a Rogerian Argument
Sample Topic: Implicit Bias Training for Police
Arguing Themes from Literature
Multimodal Activity: The Many Faces of Justice

8. Power and Responsibility
8.1 Prewriting and Discussion: Power and Responsibility
8.2 Fiction
8.3 Washington Irving, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
8.4 Alphonse Daudet, "The Last Lesson"
8.5 Edith Wharton, "The Choice"
8.6 Tim O'Brien, "The Things They Carried"
8.7 Lucia Berlin, "A Manual for Cleaning Women"
8.8 Ed Vega, "Spanish Roulette"
8.9 Mark Spragg, "A Boy's Work"
8.10 Virgil Suárez, "Bombardment"
8.11 Poetry
8.12 John Milton, "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent"
8.13 Rainer Maria Rilke, "The Panther"
8.14 Robert Frost, "Mending Wall"
8.15 Claude McKay, "America"
8.16 Langston Hughes, "Democracy"
8.17 Maxine Kumin, "Woodchucks"
8.18 Louise Erdrich, "Dear John Wayne"
8.19 Martín Espada, "Bully"
8.20 Gwendolyn Brooks, "The Mother"
8.21 Naomi Shihab Nye, "Famous"
8.22 Drama
8.23 Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband
8.24 Nonfiction
8.25 Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865
8.26 Chief Joseph, "I will fight no more forever"
8.27 Richard Wright, from Black Boy (American Hunger)
8.28 Frank Schaeffer and John Schaeffer, "My Son the Marine?"
8.29 Barack Obama, Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 2013
8.30 Bret Stephens, "The Dying Art of Disagreement"
8.31 Emily Anthes, "A Floating House to Resist the Floods of Climate Change"
8.32 Lisa L. Lewis, "Why We Still Allow Bullying to Flourish in Kids' Sports"
8.33 Eva Hagberg Fisher, "How I Learned to Look Believable"
8.34 Chapter Activities
Topics for Writing Arguments
Taking a Global Perspective: "Killer Robots" and Warfare: Eliminating Human Error and Human Decision Making — for Better or for Worse?
Collaborating on a Rogerian Argument
Sample Topic: Online Activity and Personal Data: Who Is Responsible for Data Breaches?
Arguing Themes from Literature
Multimodal Activity: The New Frontier: AI and Human Experience
Authors' Biographical Notes
Author/Title Index
Subject Index