
Practicing the Art of Leadership: A Problem-Based Approach to Implementing the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, 5th edition

  • Reginald Leon Green

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Brief Contents

Preface ii
Introduction viii

Chapter 1 Standards, Competencies, and Accountability Measures 1
Chapter 2 Establishing a Framework for Leadership 64
Chapter 3 Theories and Approaches to School Leadership 126
Chapter 4 Organizational Influences on Leadership 182
Chapter 5 Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness through Communication 257
Chapter 6 Decision Making: Quality and Acceptance 316
Chapter 7 Managing Conflict in Today' Schools 372
Chapter 8 Instructional Leadership and Change 425

Appendix 463
References 495
Index 522 


Preface ii
Introduction viii

A New Approach to Using Scenarios xiii
The Composition of This Text xiii
The Scenarios xiv
A Structural Framework for Using This Text xv
The Theoretical Foundation xv
The Professor's Presentation xv
Reading the Scenario xv
Small-Group Interaction xvi
Moving into Practice xvi
Suggested Readings xvii
The Emergence of Standards for School Leaders 4
The Use of Standards and the Organizations that Create Them 6
The Associated Standards 11
Unpacking the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 12
Transforming Standards into Practice 38
Leadership Behavior in Schools 41
Chapter Summary 43 • Moving Into Practice 43 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 43 • Deepening Your Understanding 43 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 43 • Constructed Response 44 • Web Sites 45

Chapter 2 Establishing a Framework for Leadership 64

Leadership Defined 65
Leadership: A Historical Perspective 67
Contingency and Situational Leadership Theories 90
Power and Authority 104
Bridging the Past and the Present 105
The Scenario 110
The Consequences of Working in Isolation 110
Chapter Summary 120 • Moving Into Practice 122 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 123 • Deepening Your Understanding 123 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 123 • Constructed Response 124 • Scenario Analysis 124 • Suggested Readings 125 • Web Sites 125 

Chapter 3 Theories and Approaches to School Leadership 126

The Role and Responsibilities of 21st-Century School Leaders: Learning Leaders 128
The Four Dimensions of Leadership 131
Leadership Styles 135
Leadership Approaches and Practices 139
Leader for Todays Schools 150
The Scenarios 151
The New Principal at Frost 151
Changing the Way We Teach Science 163
Chapter Summary 170 • Moving Into Practice 172 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 173 • Deepening Your Understanding 173 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 173 • Constructed Response 175 • Scenario Analysis 175 • Suggested Readings 176 • Web Sites 176

 Chapter 4 Organizational Influences on Leadership 182

A Definition of an Organization 184
Schools as Organizations 184
Theories that Influence Practice 193
Learning Organizations 209
The Influence of Perception 215
Leadership for Today's Schools 218
The Scenarios 218
Understanding and Predicting Individual and Group Behaviors in Schools 219
Addressing Dysfunctional Thinking 229
One of the Bus Contracts Has Been Canceled 235
Chapter Summary 241 • Moving Into Practice 242 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 243 • Deepening Your Understanding 243 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 244 • Constructed Response 244 • Scenario Analysis 245 • Suggested Readings 245 • Web Sites 246

Chapter 5 Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness Through Communication 257
The Importance of Effective Communications 258
The Communications Process 260
The Flow of Communication in Schools 263
Reducing Barriers to Effective Communication 269
Interpersonal Relationships 271
Communication: The Rise and Fall of School Leaders 282
Electronic Communications 284
Leadership for Today's Schools 288
The Scenarios 289
The Tardy Policy Killed Kato 289
The New Professional Development Plan 298
Chapter Summary 306 • Moving Into Practice 308 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 309 • Deepening Your Understanding 309 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 309 • Constructed Response 310 • Scenario Analysis 310 • Suggested Readings 311 • Web Sites 311

Chapter 6 Decision Making: Quality and Acceptance 316

Defining Decision Making 318
Approaches to Decision Making 323
Autocratic and Participatory Decision Making 331
Group Decision-Making Techniques 337
Barriers and Traps that Inhibit the Effectiveness of Decisions 343
The Scenarios 347
The Requested Change 348
Retaining the Student Recognition Program 358
Chapter Summary 364 • Moving Into Practice 365 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 366 • Deepening Your Understanding 367 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 367 • Constructed Response 368 • Scenario Analysis 368 • Suggested Readings 369 • Web Sites 369

 Chapter 7 Managing Conflict in Today' Schools 372

A Definition of Conflict 373
The Nature of Conflict in Schools 374
Sources of Conflict in Schools 376
How Individuals Respond to Conflict 380
Role Conflict 383
Conflict Management 387
Leadership for Today' Schools 395
The Scenarios 396
The Disciplinary Plan 396
I Am Your New Principal 403
The Assignment of an Assistant Superintendent of Instruction 411
Chapter Summary 419 • Moving Into Practice 420 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 421 • Deepening Your Understanding 421 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 421 • Constructed Response 422 • Scenario Analysis 423 • Suggested Readings 423 • Web Sites 424

Chapter 8 Instructional Leadership and Change 425

Instructional Leadership Defined 426
The Concept of Instructional Change 428
Theories and Practices that Inform Change 433
Implementing and Sustaining the Change Initiative 441
Addressing the Needs of All Students 445
Leadership in Today' Schools 453
The Scenarios 454
Just Get Those Test Scores Up 455
The Strategic Planning Process 468
Chapter Summary 475 • Moving Into Practice 477 • Acquiring an Understanding of Self 477 • Deepening Your Understanding 478 • Practice for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment 478 • Constructive Response 479 • Scenario Analysis 479 • Suggested Readings 479 • Web Sites 480

Appendix 483
References 495
Index 522