
Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools, 11th edition

  • Jioanna Carjuzaa
  • , Richard D. Kellough

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Part 1 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Middle and Secondary Schools

Chapter 1 Middle and Secondary Schools in the Past: Purpose, Organization, Structure, and Reform
Chapter 2 Middle and Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow: Reform Efforts, Challenges and Issues, and Trends and Practices 
Chapter 3 Middle and Secondary School Students: Addressing Cultural Diversity 

Part 2 Planning for Instruction 

Chapter 4 Establishing and Maintaining a Safe and Supportive Classroom Learning Environment 
Chapter 5 Selecting Content and Preparing Instructional Objectives 
Chapter 6 Course Syllabi, Instructional Units, and Curriculum Integration 
Chapter 7 Designing Lesson and Unit Plans to Engage All Students 

Part 3 Selecting and Implementing Instructional Strategies

Chapter 8 Student-Centered Instructional Strategies 
Chapter 9 Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies 
Chapter 10 Educational Technology, Media, Computer-Based Instructional Tools, and Other Resources 

Part 4 Assessment of Teaching and Learning

Chapter 11 Assessing and Reporting Student Achievement 
Chapter 12 Reflecting on Teaching Practices and Engaging in Professional Development

End Notes 
Answers to Self-Correct Exercises 
Name/Author Index 
Subject Index