
Exploring VBA for Microsoft Office 2016 Brief, 1st edition

  • Mary Anne Poatsy
  • , Robert T. Grauer
  • , Jason Davidson

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Getting Started with VBA
Case Study: Acme Consulting

Introduction to VBA
Using VBA and Getting Help
Identifying Code in the Code Window
Creating, Running, and Debugging Procedures
Creating a Message Box

Variables, Constants, Inputs, and Outputs
Declaring and Using Variables and Constants
Referencing Values and Arrays
Creating an Input Box
Performing Calculations

Decision Structures
Using Decision Structures
Performing Data Validation
Using Logical Operators

Repetition Structures
Using the For…Next Structure
Using the Do…Loop Structure

Excel and VBA
Case Study: Expert Financial Services

Forms and Controls
Creating Forms
Adding Controls to Forms
Adjusting Specialized Properties
Inserting Controls on a Worksheet

Procedures and Functions for Form Controls
Adding a Procedure to a Control
Creating and Calling a Function Procedure

Loan Payment Schedule and Disclosure Worksheets
Creating a List in a Worksheet
Preparing an Application for Distribution

Access and VBA
Case Study: Garten Sporting Goods
VBA in Access
Writing Code in Modules
Writing Code in Forms and Reports
Working with Objects
Creating Functions

Working with Recordsets
Using DAQ to Access Data

Forms, Reports, and Errors in VBA
Using VBA to Add Events to Forms

Chapter Objectives Review
Key Terms Matching
Multiple Choice
Practice Exercises
Mid-Level Exercises
Beyond the Classroom
Capstone Exercise