Research Methods for Social Workers, 8th edition

  • Bonnie L. Yegidis, 
  • Robert W. Weinbach, 
  • Laura L. Myers

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Brief Table of Contents

1. Toward Evidence-Based Practice
2. Ethical Issues in Research
3. Developing Research Problems and Research Questions
4. Conducting the Literature Review and Developing Research Hypotheses
5. Quantitative Research
6. Qualitative Research Methods
7. Evaluating Programs
8. Evaluating Individual Practice Effectiveness
9. Sampling Issues and Options
10. Measurement Concepts and Issues
11. Methods for Acquiring Research Data
12. Data Collection Instruments
13. Analyzing Data
14. Writing the Research Report and Disseminating Research Findings 

Detailed Table of Contents

1. Toward Evidence-Based Practice

Historical Antecedents
Evidence-Based Practice
Research and Practice: More Similar Than Different
Sources of Knowledge
Alternative Knowledge Sources
Faulty Knowledge Can Promote Stereotypes
The Scientific Alternative
Categorizations of Research
Types of Knowledge Derived From Scientific Research
Basic and Applied Research
Quantitative and Qualitative Research
The Current Climate for Social Work Research
Chapter Review

2. Ethical Issues in Research

What Are Ethics?
Examples of Research Participant Abuse
The Nazi and Japanese Medical Experiments
The Tuskegee Public Health Studies
The Milgram Studies of Obedience to Authority
The Stanford Prison Experiment
The Laud Humphreys Studies of Homosexual Behavior
The Willowbrook Hepatitis Study
Today's Standards for Protection of Research Participants
Institutional Review Boards
Voluntary Informed Consent
No Unnecessary Pain and Suffering
Need to Conduct the Research
Contemporary Issues Related to Research "Volunteers"
Are Research Volunteers Truly Voluntary?
Dual-Role Relationships
Using Deception in Research
Withholding Treatment and Use of Placebos
Availability of Experimental Interventions
Other Ethical Obligations of Social Work Researchers
Chapter Review

3. Developing Research Problems and Research Questions

Why We Begin with Research Problems
Identifying Potential Research Problems
Setting Problem Priorities
Identifying and Specifying the Research Problem
Developing Research Questions
Qualitative versus Quantitative Questions
Developing Quantitative Research Questions
Developing Qualitative Research Questions
Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Process
Chapter Review

4. Conducting the Literature Review and Developing Research Hypotheses

What Is a Review of Literature?
Purposes of a Review of Literature
Potential Sources for the Literature Review
Popular Sources
Other, More Questionable Sources
Using Internet Searches to Locate Information Sources
Focused Research Questions
Research Hypotheses
Related Definitions
Types of Relationships between Variables
Types of Research Hypotheses
When Are Research Hypotheses Appropriate?
Wording of Research Hypotheses
Chapter Review

5. Quantitative Research

What Is a Research Design?
Categorizations of Research Designs
Cross-Sectional, Pretest-Posttest, and Longitudinal Designs
Cross-Sectional Design
Pretest-Posttest Design
Longitudinal Design
Exploratory, Descriptive, and Explanatory Studies
Exploratory Research
Descriptive Research
Explanatory Research
Pre-Experimental, Experimental, and Quasi-Experimental Designs
Pre-experimental Designs
Experimental Designs
Quasi-Experimental Designs
Characteristics of a Good Research Design
Internal Validity
External Validity
Chapter Review 

6. Qualitative Research Methods

Key Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Observer-Participant Role
Qualitative Research Techniques
Sampling Techniques
Data Collection Techniques
Data Analysis Techniques
Qualitative Research Paradigms
The Case Study
Grounded Theory
Ethnographic Research
Cross-Cultural Research
Feminist Research
Participatory Action Research
Evaluation Criteria for Qualitative Research
Chapter Review

7. Evaluating Programs

Systematic Reviews
What is Program Evaluation?
Use of Logic Models
Why we Conduct Program Evaluations
Historical Background
Types of Program Evaluations
Needs Assessments
Formative Evaluations
Outcome Evaluations
Issues involved in Conducting Program Evaluations
Determining the Appropriate Design
Who Conducts Program Evaluations?
Participating in Program Evaluations
Other Ethical Issues
Chapter Review

8. Evaluating Individual Practice Effectiveness

Supervisor Feedback
Consumer Feedback
Goal Attainment Scaling
Single-System Evaluation
Differences between Group Designs and Single-System Evaluation Designs
When are Single-System Evaluations Appropriate?
Elements of Single-System Evaluations
Single-System Evaluation Designs
Strengths and Weaknesses of Single-System Evaluations
Ethical Issues
Chapter Review

9. Sampling Issues and Options

Universe, Theoretical Population, and Accessible Population
Sampling Frame
Sampling Error
Sampling Bias
Statistic and Parameter
Random Selection
Random Sample
Summary of Terms
Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Systematic Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Nonprobability Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Purposive Sampling
Snowball Sampling
Quota Sampling
Selecting a Good Sample
Available Resources
Overall Design and Purpose of the Study
Statistical Analyses to Be Used
The Importance of Sample Representativeness
Chapter Review

10. Measurement Concepts and Issues

What Is Measurement in Research?
Preparation for Measurement
Levels of Measurement
Nominal Level
Ordinal Level
Interval Level
Ratio Level
More on Levels of Measurement
Criteria for Good Measurement
Sources of Measurement Error
Chapter Review 

11. Methods for Acquiring Research Data

Secondary Data Analysis
Different Uses
Tasks Required
Oral Histories
Client Logs
Systematic Observation
Unstructured Observation
Structured Observation
Potential for Distortion
Identity of the Participant
Return Rate
Response Bias
In-Person Interviews
Group Interviews
Telephone Interviews
Electronic Communications
Chapter Review 

12. Data Collection Instruments

Fixed-Alternative and Open-Ended Items
Composite Indexes and Scales
Composite Indexes
Using Existing Data Collection Instruments
Revising Existing Data Collection Instruments
Constructing New Data Collection Instruments
Issues in Development
Use of Self-Administered Data Collection Instruments
Supervised Administration
Chapter Review 

13. Analyzing Data

The Data in Perspective
Preparing for Data Analysis
Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Uses of Statistical Analyses
Designing Research
Summarizing the Distribution of Variables
Estimating the Characteristics of a Population
Answering Research Questions and Testing Hypotheses
Interpreting and Reporting the Results
Chapter Review 

14. Writing the Research Report and Disseminating Research Findings

Main Sections of the Research Report
Review of the Literature
Statement of Research Questions and Hypotheses
Recommendations for Future Research, Implications for Social Work, and Conclusions
References and Appendices
Quantitative versus Qualitative Research Reports
Referencing in a Research Report
Role of Researcher in the Research Report
Disseminating Research Findings
Internal Correspondence and In-Service Training
Professional Conferences
Professional Journals
Monographs, Dissertations, and Theses
Chapter Review
Photo Credits

Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) - Copyright © 2018

ISBN-13: 9780136912286

Subject: Social Work & Human Services

Category: Research Methods in Social Work

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