
Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals, 3rd edition

  • Bruce J. Colbert
  • , Jeff J. Ankney
  • , Karen Lee

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Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals provides an engaging introduction to interrelationships in A&P and pathology, with an emphasis on clinical applications. Conversational and humorous, the text uses real-world analogies to enable true understanding, rather than memorization, and to create lasting connections.

Two case studies are woven throughout the text. One follows a patient with diabetes, the other a patient with a spinal cord injury. Both illustrate key concepts and multisystem effects, while building critical-thinking skills.

The 3rd Edition presents the latest research and clinical applications in human A&P, plus new visual aids and practice opportunities. A workbook, available separately, offers interactive exam prep resources, including concept maps and crossword puzzles.

Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) - Copyright © 2020

ISBN-13: 9780136873037

Subject: Anatomy & Physiology


1. Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: Learning the Language
2. The Human Body: Reading the Map
3. Biochemistry: The Basic Ingredients of Life
4. The Cells: The Raw Materials and Building Blocks
5. Tissues and Systems: The Inside Story
6. The Skeletal System: The Framework
7. The Muscular System: Movement for the Journey
8. The Integumentary System: The Protective Covering
9. The Nervous System: The Body's Control Center
10. The Endocrine System: The Body's Other Control Center
11. The Senses: The Sights and Sounds
12. The Cardiovascular System: Transport and Supply
13. The Respiratory System: It's a Gas
14. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Your Defense Systems
15. The Gastrointestinal System: Fuel for the Trip
16. The Urinary System: Filtration and Fluid Balance
17. The Reproductive System: Replacement and Repair
18. Basic Diagnostic Tests: What Do the Tests Tell Us?
19. The Journey's End: Now What?
The Study Success Companion: The Key to Your Successful Journey

A. Medical Terminology, Word Parts, and Singular and Plural Endings
B. Clinical Abbreviations and "Do Not Use" List
C. Infectious Diseases and Their Pathogens
D. Laboratory Reference Values
E. Multisystem Effects of Various Diseases and Conditions
F. Vitamins and Minerals: Sources, Function, and Effects of Deficiency and Toxicity
G. Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions