Business Communication Today, 15th edition
- Courtland L. Bovee
- , John V. Thill
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The eTextbook for Business Communication Today by Courtland L. Bovee and John V. Thill connects modern technologies to developments in the business world. You’ll assess timeless communication skills, such as listening, presenting and writing, through the lens of modern communication channels, such as mobile messaging, social media and artificial intelligence.
The 15th Edition blends fundamental concepts with cutting-edge topics. With its clear, fluid chapter organization, it develops and reviews major concepts to maximize understanding and support success in your business communication course. Key features include:
- Build Your Career activities challenge you to create employment-communication packages that you can share with potential employers.
- New Communication Cases prompt you to craft messaging for mobile devices, often for real companies in a wide range of industries.
- New 5-Minute Guides take you through the steps for accomplishing various communication tasks, from writing emails to planning reports and presentations.
- Apply Your Skills Now boxes will help you use your new communication skills in your other classes and in your personal life.
- Intelligent Communication Technology boxes provide glimpses into transformative technologies, from augmented writing tools to résumé bots.
By merging relatable material with strategic organization, Business Communication Today keeps the content engaging while promoting mastery. And with plenty of interesting opportunities for application, you’ll gain helpful tools for transferring your communication skills into modern business practices.
Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) - Copyright © 2021
ISBN-13: 9780136713807
Subject: Business Communication
- Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World
- Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette
- Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace
- Planning Business Messages
- Writing Business Messages
- Completing Business Messages
- Digital Media
- Social Media
- Visual Media
- Writing Routine and Positive Messages
- Writing Negative Messages
- Writing Persuasive Messages
- Finding, Evaluation, and Processing Information
- Planning Reports and Proposals
- Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
- Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
- Enhancing Presentations with Slides and Other Visuals
- Building Careers and Writing Résumés
- Applying and Interviewing for Employment