
Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 10th edition

  • Martha R Taylor
  • , Eric J. Simon
  • , Jean L. Dickey
  • , Kelly A. Hogan

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The eTextbook for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections by Taylor, Simon, Dickey and Hogan is an innovative learning experience that motivates you to learn and interact with biology in your non-majors biology or mixed biology course. Its proven modular organization is built around central concepts to help you stay focused while connecting biology to the world and a wide variety of issues outside the classroom.

The 10th Edition draws from learning science and the authors' classroom experience to address how students like yourself learn today. Chapter Openers help you retain information, new features break content into bite-size subsections, and author-created videos focus you on what is important. Features:

  • Figure Walkthroughs guide you to a deeper understanding and feature key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and questions that reinforce important points and incorporate higher-level Bloom's questions.
  • Revised and reorganized cellular respiration coverage (Chapter 6, How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy) explores the content in varying levels of depth.
  • Updated coverage on Patterns of Inheritance (Chapter 9) presents human sex determination as a much more complex and varied process and outcome, rather than describing sex determination as a binary state.


  1. Biology: The Scientific Study of Life 
  2. The Chemical Basis of Life 
  3. The Molecules of Cells 
  4. A Tour of the Cell 
  5. The Working Cell 
  6. How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy 
  7. Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food

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