
Early Language Intervention for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, 1st edition

  • Robert E. Owens

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Chapter 1: Components of Early Intervention
Chapter 2: Early Communication Impairment
Chapter 3: A Model for Early Communication Intervention
Chapter 4: Assessment of Early Communication Intervention: What to Assess
Chapter 5: Early Communication Assessment Process
Chapter 6: Presymbolic Early Communication Intervention
Chapter 7: Alternative and Augmentative Communication: Introduction and Assessment
Chapter 8: Alternative and Augmentative Communication: Intervention
Chapter 9: Symbolic Intervention
Chapter 10: Feeding and Swallowingby Jessica Kisenwether, Ph.D., Misericordia University

Appendix A: Sample IFSP
Appendix B: Evaluation of At-Risk Neonates
Appendix C: Formal Tests for Young Children
Appendix D: Caregiver Questionnaire
Appendix E: Developmental Milestones
Appendix F: Interactional Observation
Appendix G: Forms of Communication
Appendix H: Intervention Approaches for Children with ASD
Appendix I: Stimulation Activities
Appendix J: Possible Electronic AAC Assessment Protocol
Appendix K: Feeding Assessment Interview Questionnaire


Chapter 1: Components of Early Intervention

Overview of EI
Legal Basis for Early Intervention
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Transdisciplinary Team
The Importance of Families
Cultural Considerations
Individualized for Each Child
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Natural Environment
The Need for Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter Conclusion

Chapter 2: Early Communication Impairment
Late Language Emergence
Risk of Communication Impairment
Established risk
Intellectual Disability (ID)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Cerebral Palsy
Deafness and Deaf-Blindness
Cleft Palate
At-risk Children
International Adoptions
Low Socioeconomic Status
Maltreatment/Neglect, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Prenatal Cocaine Exposure
Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants
Early Identifying Signs and Behaviors
APGAR, an Infant's First Exam
Chapter Conclusion

Chapter 3: A Model for Early Communication Intervention
The Evolving Model of ECI Service Delivery
Functional Communication
Family-Centered Intervention
Content for Improving Communication
Intervention Strategies
Responsive Interaction Strategies
Directive Interaction Strategies
Blended Strategies
Role of a Child's Environment
Family-Centered Services
Working with Parents
A Hybrid Approach to Family-Centered Intervention
Teachers, Classroom Aides, and Child Care Providers
Child Peers
Role of the SLP as Part of the Team
Service Coordination
Transition Planning
Advocacy Awareness and Advancement of the Knowledge Base
An Example of Early Intervention: Parents Interacting with Infants (PIWI)
Chapter Conclusion 

Chapter 4: Assessment of Early Communication Intervention: What to Assess
Evaluation vs. Assessment
Transdisciplinary Model of Assessment
Play-based Assessment
Role of Parents & Caregivers
A Rationale for Parental Involvement in Assessment
Involving Families in Assessment
Family Concerns, Priorities, and Resources
Informal Communication Assessment
Description of Communication
Presymbolic Behaviors
Symbolic Behaviors
Formal Assessment Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Early identification of Children with ASD
Eligibility for Services
Chapter Conclusion

Chapter 5: Early Communication Assessment Process
Communication Screening
Families with Culturally Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Communication Assessment
Multiple Measures
Transdisciplinary Teams
Ecological Validity
Pre-assessment Planning and Preliminary Data Collecting
Caregiver Interview
The Evolving Assessment Plan
Interactional Observation
The Observation Process
Judging Communication Success and Intentionality
Caregiver-Child Interactions
Forming Hypotheses
Play-based Interactional Assessment
Dynamic Assessment
Describing Communication
Symbolic Assessment
Presymbolic Behaviors
Analysis of Data
Decision-making and Recommendations
A Final Word on Parental Involvement
Special Cases
Children with Deafness and Blindness
International Adoptees and Children from Families Speaking Other-than-English
Children with Challenging Behaviors
Children with Motor Speech Disorders
Children with ASD
Chapter Conclusion

Chapter 6: Presymbolic Early Communication Intervention
Spectrum of Early Communication Intervention
Location of Intervention
Types of ECI Service Delivery
Intervention Approach
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
AAC and the Pressure to Speak
Contingent Imitation
Exaggerated Intonation and Modified Prosody
Avoidance of Non-speech Oral Motor Exercises
Getting Started
Enhancing Communication
In the NICU or SCN
Establishing Early Communication
Functional Equivalence and Challenging Behaviors
Establishing Gestures
Language Stimulation: Talking to Young Children
Bilingual Families
Presymbolic Skills
Establishing Joint Attending
Monitoring Intervention
Chapter Conclusion 

Chapter 7: Alternative and Augmentative Communication: Introduction and Assessment

Types of AAC
Unaided AAC
Aided AAC
Evidence-Based Practice
Dangers in Ignoring EBP
AAC Myths
Elements of a Thorough AAC Assessment
Chapter Conclusion 

Chapter 8: Alternative and Augmentative Communication: Intervention

Getting Started
Initiating Communication
Active Learning
Child-based Intervention
The Child's Communication System
Functional Equivalence
Multimodality and Development
Generalization: Role of the Environment
Neuromotor Considerations
Intervention Methods
Early Communication Intentions
Transitioning from Nonsymbolic to Symbolic
Receptive Use
Expressive Use
Children with Deafness and Blindness
Children with ASD
Aided AAC
Picture Exchange System (PECS)
Chapter Conclusion
Useful Websites

Chapter 9: Symbolic Intervention
Early Symbolic Guidelines
Selecting New Symbols
Expanding the Range of Intentions
Teaching Semantic Categories
Combining into Longer Utterances
Symbolic Intervention Techniques
Model Language but Do Not Require a Child Response
Model Language and Require a Child Response
Provide Feedback but Do Not Require a Child Response
Respond and Require a Child Response
Specific Targets
Single Words
Two-Word Constructions
Longer Constructions
Involving Parents, Teachers, and Other Adults
Book Sharing
Language Modeling
A Helpful Website
Two Examples of Early Communication Intervention
Hanen Early Language Program
Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching
Chapter Conclusion 

Chapter 10: Feeding and Swallowing by Jessica Kisenwether, Ph.D., Misericordia University

Role of the SLP
Specific Considerations in Pediatric Swallowing
Differences in Anatomy and Physiology
Differences in Etiology
Differences in Communication Skills
Differences in Treatment
Development of Feeding
Newborns - 3 Months
6 - 12 Months
15 - 24 Months
Causes of Feeding/Swallowing Difficulty
Prematurity and/or Low Birth Weight
Neurological Conditions
Cardiovascular Conditions
Respiratory Conditions
Traumatic Brain Injury
Failure to Thrive
Esophageal Complications
Craniofacial Anomalies
Environmental Conditions
Feeding Team
Assessment Strategies
Medical History
Physical Examination
Swallow Evaluation
Instrumental Evaluation
Treatment Strategies
Texture Changes
Oral Motor/Sensory Stimulation
Behavioral Treatment
Cultural Considerations
Chapter Conclusion

Appendix A: Sample IFSP
Appendix B: Evaluation of At-Risk Neonates
Appendix C: Formal Tests for Young Children
Appendix D: Caregiver Questionnaire
Appendix E: Developmental Milestones
Appendix F: Interactional Observation
Appendix G: Forms of Communication
Appendix H: Intervention Approaches for Children with ASD
Appendix I: Stimulation Activities
Appendix J: Possible Electronic AAC Assessment Protocol
Appendix K: Feeding Assessment Interview Questionnaire
Author Index
Content Index