
Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning: Preschool Through Fourth Grade, 7th edition

  • Joan Packer Isenberg
  • , Mary Renck Jalongo

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Brief Table of Contents

Part 1. Foundations of Creative Thought
1. Understanding Children's Creative Thought and Expression
2. Supporting Children's Play, Games, and Creativity

Part 2. The Creative Arts
3. Promoting Children's Art
4. Engaging Children in Music, Movement, and Dance
5. Exploring Drama

Part 3. Creative Teaching and Assessment
6. Fostering Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
7. Assessing the Creative Processes and Products of Children
8. Promoting Children's Creative Work in Diverse Families and Communities

Part 4. Environments that Support Creativity and the Arts
9. Designing Creative Learning Environments
10. Using Creative Materials and Resources Effectively

Detailed Table of Contents

Part 1. Foundations of Creative Thought
1. Understanding Children's Creative Thought and Expression
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Creativity
Defining Creative Thought
Theoretical and Research Base. Social Capital Theory
Teachers' Reflections on Creativity 
How Children Think and Develop Creatively
Current Children's Books and Creative Thinking
Developmental Sequence for Children's Creative Growth
Integrating the Curriculum. Using Graphic Organizers
Teachers' Roles. Promoting Creativity
Technology Tie-In. Using Wikis and Blogs to Promote Children's Creativity
Differentiating Instruction. Accommodations for Diverse Learners
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Support Creative Thinking 
Meeting Standards for Creative Activities 
Frequently Asked Questions About Creativity

2. Supporting Children's Play, Games, and Creativity
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Play, Games, and Creativity
Theoretical and Research Base. What Is Play?
Play, Developmentally Appropriate Practice, and the Creative Arts
Teachers' Reflections on Play, Games, and Creativity
How Children Learn Through Play
Current Children's Books and Creative Thinking
Developmental Sequence for Types of Play
Development of Social Play   
Teachers' Roles. Supporting Children's Play, Games, and Creativity
Integrating the Curriculum. Using Games
Differentiating Instruction. Accommodations for Diverse Learners
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Support Children's Creative Thinking
Meeting Standards Through Play, Games, and Creativity  
Frequently Asked Questions About Play, Games, and Creativity

Part 2. The Creative Arts
3. Promoting Children's Art
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Children's Art
Defining the Visual Arts
Theoretical and Research Base. Art as a Language and the Schools of Reggio Emilia
Teachers' Reflections on the Visual Arts  
Children Learn and Develop Through Art
Current Children's Books About the Visual Arts
Developmental Sequence for Children's Art
Teachers' Roles. Supporting Children's Art
Technology Tie-In. Using Interactive Whiteboards
Integrating the Arts. Using Artifacts
Differentiating Instruction. Accommodations for Diverse Learners
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Support Children's Art
Meeting Standards for the Arts
Frequently Asked Questions About Art in the Curriculum

4. Engaging Children in Music, Movement, and Dance
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Music, Movement, and Dance
Defining Music, Movement, and Dance
Theoretical and Research Base. Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, and Music and Movement
Teachers' Reflections on Music, Movement, and Dance 
How Children Learn and Develop Through Music, Movement, and Dance
Teachers' Roles. Engaging Children in Music, Movement, and Dance
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools for Music
Integrating the Curriculum. Using Song Picture Books
Current Children's Books About Music and Dance
Technology Tie-In. Using the Nintendo Wii as a Resource for Physical Activity
Differentiating Instruction Accommodations for Diverse Learners
Meeting Standards for Music, Movement, and Dance
Frequently Asked Questions About Music, Movement, and Dance

5. Exploring Drama
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Classroom Drama
Theoretical and Research Base. Drama
The Role of Classroom Drama Forms of Drama
Teachers' Reflections on Classroom Drama 
How Children Learn Through Drama
Current Children's Books Related to Drama
Strategies for Teaching Drama to Children
Integrating the Curriculum. Using Tableau
Teachers' Roles Supporting Drama
Drama and Technology
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools for Drama
Technology Tie-In. Using Voki to Create an Avatar
Differentiating Instruction. Accommodations for Diverse Learners
Meeting Standards Through Drama
Frequently Asked Questions About Classroom Drama

Part 3. Creative Teaching and Assessment
6. Fostering Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Fostering Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
Theoretical and Research Base. Fostering Creative Expression
Teachers' Reflections. Encouraging Creative Thought
Teachers' Roles. Fostering Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
Strategies That Invite Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
Differentiating Creative Arts Instruction. Accommodations for Diverse Learners
Meeting Standards Through Creative Experiences
Frequently Asked Questions About Fostering Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning

7. Assessing the Creative Processes and Products of Children
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Assessment
Defining Performance Assessment
Theoretical and Research Base. Identification of Talent and Giftedness
Teachers' Reflections. On Assessment
The Why, What, and How of Assessment
Current Children's Books and Role Models of Creativity
Teachers' Roles. Assessment
Technology Tie-In. Using E-Portfolios of Children's Work
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Help Teachers Document Student Work
Meeting Standards for Assessment in the Arts
Frequently Asked Questions About Assessment

8. Promoting Children's Creative Work in Diverse Families and Communities
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Culture, Family, and the Arts
Defining Cultural Perspectives on Creativity and the Arts
The Influence of Families and Communities on Children's Creativity
Theoretical and Research Base. Multiple Intelligences
Integrating the Curriculum. Multiple Intelligence Theory
Teachers' Reflections on Creativity, Families, and Communities
Current Children's Books About Diverse Families
Teachers' Roles. Working with Diverse Families and Communities
There's an App for That. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Promote Family Unity
Meeting Multicultural Education Standards Through the Arts
Frequently Asked Questions About Creativity and Diverse Families and Communities

Part 4. Environments that Support Creativity and the Arts
9. Designing Creative Learning Environments
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Creative Learning Environments
Theoretical and Research Base. Creative Learning Environments
Elements of Creative Learning Environments Climate Relationships Space Time
Teachers' Reflections on Classroom Environments
Indoor Environments That Foster Creativity and Arts-Based Learning
Outdoor Environments That Foster Creativity and Arts-Based Learning
Features of Creative Outdoor Environments
Creative Outdoor Spaces for Children of Different Ages and Abilities
Teachers' Roles. Designing a Creative Environment  
Adapting the Environment for Diverse Learners
Meeting Standards for Creative Environments 
Frequently Asked Questions About Creative Environments

10. Using Creative Materials and Resources Effectively
Learning Outcomes
Snapshots of Using Creative Materials
Theoretical and Research Base. Creative Materials and Resources
Teachers' Reflections on Materials and Resources 
Types of Creative Materials
Age-Appropriate Materials
Using Creative Materials Appropriately and Safely
Technology, Media, and Creative Thinking
Other Divergent Materials and Resources
Differentiating Instruction. Adapting Creative Materials for Diverse Learners
Meeting Standards. Using Creative Materials and Resources
Frequently Asked Questions About Materials and Resources
Online Resources

Appendix A. Cross-referenced National Content-Area Standards Guide  
Appendix B. Age-Appropriate Games and Energizers
Appendix C. Online Resources for Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning
Children's Literature References