
The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook: A Complete K-12 Reference Guide, 6th Edition, 6th edition

  • Lynne T. Diaz-Rico

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PART I: Learning: Learning about the Learner, Language Structure, and Second-Language Acquisition
1. Learning about the Language Learner
2. Learning about Language Structure
3. Learning about Second-Language Acquisition

PART II: Instruction: Oracy and Literacy for English-Language Development, Content-Area Instruction, and Bilingual Education
4. Oracy and Literacy for English-Language Development
5. Content-Area Instruction
6. Theories and Methods of Bilingual Education

PART III: Assessment
7. Language and Content-Area Assessment

PART IV: Cultural Diversity in the United States: Cultural Diversity in the United States, Culturally Responsive Schooling, and the Role of Family in Schools
8. Cultural Diversity
9. Culturally Responsive Schooling
10. The Role of the Family in Schools

PART V: Policy: Language Policy and Special Populations of English Learners
11. The Role of Educators in Language Policy
12. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners and Special Education

Author Index
Subject Index