
Language Arts: Patterns of Practice, 9th edition

  • Gail E. Tompkins

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Part 1: New Expectations: Today's Language Arts Classroom
1. Learning and the Language Arts
2. Teaching and Assessing Language Arts
3. Emergent Literacy

Part 2: The Big Six: Listening, Talking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, And Visually Representing
4. Oral Language: Listening and Talking
5. Written Language: Reading and Writing
6. Visual Language: Viewing and Visually Representing

Part 3: Instructional Practices: Implementing the Standards
7. Building Vocabulary
8. Comprehending and Composing Stories
9. Investigating Nonfiction
10. Exploring Poetry
11. Language Tools: Grammar, Spelling, and Handwriting
12. Putting It All Together