
Creative Materials and Activities for the Early Childhood Curriculum, 1st edition

  • Joan Packer Isenberg
  • , Jennifer L. Durham

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Part I: Exploring Creativity and the Arts

Chapter 1: Creativity and the Arts
Chapter 2: Facilitating Creativity and the Arts
Chapter 3: Designing Environments for Creativity and the Arts

Part II: Teaching the Creative Arts: What Does It Look Like?

Chapter 4: Visual Arts and Children’s Development
Chapter 5: Creative Materials and Activities for the Visual Arts
Chapter 6: Creative Materials and Activities for Drama
Chapter 7: Creative Materials and Activities for Music, Movement, and Dance

Part III: Creative Materials and Activities in the Content Areas

Chapter 8: Language, Literacy and the Creative Arts
Chapter 9: Mathematics and the Creative Arts
Chapter 10: Science and the Creative Arts
Chapter 11: Social Studies and the Creative Arts

Part IV: Planning and Assessing Creative Experiences

Chapter 12: Assessing Creative Learning
Chapter 13: Planning Effective Arts-Based Lessons
Chapter 14: Integrating the Curriculum through Arts-Based Units