Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain, A: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (September 19, 2007) © 2008

  • John P.J. Pinel
  • Maggie Edwards
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Learning Through Colouring

This hands-on workbook provides and easy and enjoyable means of learning and reviewing the fundamentals of human neuroanatomy through the acclaimed directed-colouring method. Because the text deals with only key concepts and progresses in small, logical, easy-to-learn increments, it is ideal for the nonexpert-students, professionals and lay people alike.

There are other introductions to human brain anatomy, but this is a book with a difference. A Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book was written by John Pinel and illustrated by Maggie Edwards, a team renowned for their ability to engage and fascinate the reader with their simple, cutting edge portrayals of the body's most complex organ and its psychological functions.

  • Preface
  • How to Use This Book
  • Chapter 1: Organization of the Human Nervous System
  • Chapter 2: Planes and Directions in the Human Nervous System
  • Chapter 3: Cells of the Nervous System
  • Chapter 4: Early Development of the Human Nervous System
  • Chapter 5: Gross Anatomy of the Human Brain
  • Chapter 6: Major Structures of the Brain Stem
  • Chapter 7: Major Structures of the Cerebral Hemispheres
  • Chapter 8: Sensory Systems of the Central Nervous System
  • Chapter 9: Sensorimotor Pathways of the Central Nervous System
  • Chapter 10: Brain Structures and Memory
  • Chapter 11: Motivational Systems of the Brain
  • Chapter 12: Cortical Localization of Language and Thinking
  • Answers to Review Exercises
  • Index

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