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Why does Professor Christopher Riola utilize MyLab Math?
In 2009, the University adopted MyLab Math with hopes that the faculty would be able to catch student issues early and keep less-prepared students from moving forward until mastery of prior material.
How was MyLab Math implemented?
The Introduction to Algebra course is a three-credit, self-accelerated mastery-based learning course. The course meets three times per week for a total of six hours in a computer classroom and covers the first six chapters in the required textbook.
- Students begin the course by watching the MyLab objective videos and reading the textbook and taking notes on each. They are required to complete all the example problems within each section on their own.
- Once students have finished taking notes and working example problems, they proceed to the MyLab homework assignment for that section.
- After completing the homework assignments to 100 percent mastery for all sections in a chapter, students move on to the MyLab practice test.
- If a student does not pass the practice test with at least 80 percent, they must complete a personalized homework assignment at 100 percent to attempt the practice test again.
- A student who has earned 80 percent or higher on the practice test may take the chapter exam and turn in their notebook. Students are required to earn at least 70 percent on chapter exams.
- Students must score at least 70 percent on all six chapter exams in order to pass the course.
Were students successful in the course?
The Introduction to Algebra course is designed to guide students through content in the first six chapters of the assigned textbook using prerequisites and personalized learning features in MyLab to create an individualized learning path for each student.
- There was an 80 percent pass rate for the course, with two-thirds of students earning an A or B.
- Students who scored above the average on their video notebooks earned an average of 43 percentage points higher on other assessments in the course.
- Students were successful on first attempts of the practice tests 97 percent of the time.
Did students like using MyLab Math?
Students in Riola’s Spring 2017 course were asked to complete an end-of-semester survey to share their perspectives on the course and MyLab Math.
- 88% of survey respondent found MyLab Math was helpful in providing adequate practice to understand concepts.
- 88% of survey respondents found MyLab Math was helpful in preparing them for exams.
On student said:
“The video-based notes were individual and personalized and gave me the confidence to learn on my own. Overall, it's been an excellent and empowering tool in becoming more confident in math.”
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how MyLab Math could benefit your course