Use of MyLab Marketing resources positively impact student success
Pearson | December 31, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
MyLab Marketing contributes to student success
In Fall 2017, Professor Catherine Cuckovich from Oakland University in Rochester, MI, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Marketing and Principles of Marketing by Kotler and Armstrong on student success in her Principles of Marketing course.
Key findings include:
- Students who scored above average on MyLab video case studies earned MyLab Writing Space scores 21 percentage points higher than students who scored below average on MyLab video case studies.
- 96% of students scoring above average on MyLab video case studies earned an A/B/C for their final course grade.
- 88% of student survey respondents agreed that the MyLab writing assignments provided an opportunity to improve their critical thinking and business writing skills.
Click here to read the full case study or continue reading to learn more.
Why did Professor Catherine Cuckovich adopt MyLab Marketing?
Cuckovich had used a MyLab program previously at another school and found that it offered an appealing framework for structuring a course. In addition, MyLab Marketing offered her a way of getting her course up and running quickly.
How was MyLab Marketing implemented?
Principles of Marketing is a four-credit, entry-level course. MyLab Marketing is required. Students use MyLab for understanding content, homework assignments, writing and critical analysis assignments, and assessments.
Following a Pearson best practice, Cuckovich assigns Chapter 0: Getting Started with MyLab the first week of class. The following are other implemented MyLab components:
- Video case studies: Students complete ten video case studies and they are followed by five multiple-choice questions.
- Writing spaces assignments: Students complete four Writing Space assignments.
- Study Plan: Cuckovich encourages students to use the optional MyLab Study Plan to prepare for exams.
- Exams: Students complete two exams in MyLab, consisting of 50 multiple-choice and true-false questions that are pulled from the MyLab end-of-chapter quizzes.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were divided into two groups based on their average MyLab video case study score. Data shows the following:
- Students who earned above average MyLab scores had average MyLab Writing Space scores 21 percentage points higher than students who scored below average.
- 96% of students scoring above average on MyLab video case studies earned an A/B/C as the final course grade.
Did students like using MyLab Marketing?
Responses from the Fall 2017 end-of-semester survey of Cuckovich’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab Marketing.
- 88%of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MyLab.
- 88% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that MyLab homework assignments positively impacted their test scores.
One student said:
“If you missed class for any reason, [MyLab] made it easier to go through and learn the chapter material.”
Learn more about how MyLab Marketing could benefit your course