Revel Sociology positively impacts student success in an intro course
Pearson | December 10, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
Revel Sociology contributes to student success
From Fall 2016 to Fall 2017, Professor C.C. Coffman from Clemson University in Clemson, SC partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of Revel™ for Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach by Henslin on student success in her Introduction to Sociology course
Key findings were:
- Average exam scores and final grades were significantly higher when Revel was required.
- There’s a strong, positive correlation between average Revel scores and the final course grade.
- Coffman reports students are arriving to class having read the material and are more engaged with the course content.
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Why did Professor C.C. Coffman adopt Revel Sociology?
Coffman’s goal for Revel implementation was to increase student reading and engagement, leading to improved course exam scores and final grades.
How was Revel Sociology implemented?
Initially Revel use was an option, then recommended, and finally by Fall 2017, she required students to use the Revel version of the textbook. Revel assignments included Revel chapter readings and corresponding module and chapter quizzes, with a total of 18 chapters assigned throughout the semester. Revel assignments accounted for 13% of the total course score.
Were students successful in the course?
Average final grades, exam scores, and field study scores were highest in Fall of 2017 when Revel was required.
- Students in Fall 2017 earned significantly higher average exam scores — six percentage points higher — than students in Fall 2016
- Students in Fall 2017 earned significantly higher final course scores — five percentage points higher — than students in Fall 2016
Did students like using Revel Sociology?
In Fall 2016, students using Revel in a variety of courses at several U.S. colleges completed a voluntary, end-of-semester survey, providing valuable insight on their experience.
- 88% of respondents agreed completing Revel readings and quizzes better prepared them for class.
- 79% of respondents agreed that experiencing the text through Revel helped them feel more engaged with the course content than a traditional textbook.
One student said:
“Revel allows students to work with the material rather than just read it.”
Learn more about how Revel Sociology could benefit your course