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Why did Professor Kim Walters increase allowed attempts on MyLab Math quizzes?
To ensure her online students had plenty of opportunity to practice, Walters decided to implement multiple attempts on the quizzes with prerequisite requirements for the retakes. Walters also increased minimum homework scores for each subsequent quiz attempt because she believed that actually practicing math helps students be more successful.
How was MyLab Math implemented?
College Algebra course is a hybrid, two lecture hour/two lab hour option or as a fully online course. The College Algebra course requires students to use MyLab Math in MyLabsPlus. MyLab Math accounts for 100% of the total course grade.
Assessments include:
- Homework: Students typically complete 14 untimed homework assignments which consist of one, two, or three sections. Students have unlimited attempts on homework assignments up until the due date.
- Quizzes and tests: Students complete five 60-minute quizzes, two 90-minute tests, and a three-hour final exam. Utilizing the prerequisite function in MyLab, Walters allows students to earn a second and third attempt for each quiz by completing their homework assignments.
Were student successful in the course?
In order to see if there was an improvement in student performance, data from Fall 2015–Spring 2017 were analyzed.
- Homework averages increased two percentage points, as did quizzes.
- Test scores increased six percentage points, from 66% to 72%, and overall course grades increased five percentage points, from 68% to 73%.
Did students like using MyLab Math?
Walters has collected students’ thoughts about MyLab Math/MyLabsPlus.
One student said:
“If I couldn't find an answer to a question in the homework while looking through my notes the Help Me Solve This aid was really helpful and sometimes taught me a different way to work the problem, and I found to like that better sometimes.”
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how MyLab Math could benefit your course