MyLab Accounting increases student success and retention rates
Pearson | November 24, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
MyLab Accounting contributes to student success
In Spring 2018, Professor Khondkar Karim from the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, MA, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Accounting for Managerial Accounting by Braun and Tietz on student success in their Managerial Accounting (Accounting 2020) course.
Researchers found that:
- After adopting MyLab, the percentage of students earning an A for the final course grade increased 26 percentage points and the percentage of students failing the course declined 13 percentage points.
- Students scoring above average on MyLab assignments earned average exam scores eight percentage points higher than students with below average MyLab scores.
- 93% of student survey respondents agreed that MyLab provided additional resources that helped them learn more than they would have from traditional paper-and-pencil homework.
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Why did Professor Khondkar Karim adopt MyLab Accounting?
To encourage and reinforce the need to read the text, Karim appreciated that MyLab has a prerequisite setting, enabling him to create an assignment that would encourage students to read the text before they attempted the homework. In Fall 2017, Karim adopted MyLab Accounting.
How was MyLab Accounting implemented?
Managerial Accounting is a one-semester, three-credit course. Students use MyLab for understanding content and homework assignments. Homework assignments are a combination of publisher problems, open-response questions, Excel-based problems, and short cases. Learning aids are turned on. Homework assignments are due after completion of the MyLab quiz and prior to the second lecture each week.
Other assessments include three midterm exams, a final exam, article summaries, ethical issue assignments and sustainability issue assignments. MyLab homework assignments account for 26% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
After implementation of MyLab, Karim saw average exam scores and average final course scores improve substantially.
- 26% of students earned as an A as their final course grade in Spring 2018 compared to 8% of students in Spring 2017, prior to using MyLab.
- 9% of students failed the course in Spring 2018 compared to 22% of students in Spring 2017, prior to using MyLab.
Students were placed into two groups based on the average MyLab score of 71%, with data indicating:
- Students scoring above average on MyLab assignments earned 8 percentage points higher on average exam scores and 19 percentage points higher on average final course scores than those scoring below average.
Did students like using MyLab Accounting?
Responses from the Spring 2018 end-of-semester survey of Karim’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab Accounting.
- 100% of respondents agreed that their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MyLab.
- 93% of respondents agreed that the study and help resources provided in MyLab made the program a good value for this course.
Learn more about how MyLab Accounting could benefit your course