Revel Art positively impacts student success
Pearson | October 29, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
Revel Art contributes to student success
In Spring 2018, Professor Dr. Patricia Eshagh from California State University Stanislaus in Turlock, CA, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of Revel™ for A World of Art by Sayre on student success in her Art Appreciation course.
Researchers found that:
- Students scoring at or above the median Revel score earned significantly higher average exam scores and final course scores than students who scored below the median Revel score.
- 95% of student survey respondents agreed that completing Revel readings and quizzes better prepared them for class and experiencing the text through Revel helped them to feel more engaged with the course content than a traditional textbook.
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Why did Professor Dr. Patricia Eshagh adopt Revel Art?
Prior to implementing Revel, instructor Patricia Eshagh found that students were frequently attending class without having read the assigned material, were not able to critically analyze course material, and struggled to engage with the content. Eshagh elected to assign Revel readings and quizzes in hopes of increasing student reading, preparedness, and engagement, and ultimately overall scores.
How was Revel Art implemented?
Dr. Eshagh taught two face to face sections of Art Appreciation in the Spring of 2018. Grades for the course were comprised of Revel quizzes, a gallery/museum paper, and three equally weighted exams. Students were required to complete all assigned textbook readings and module quizzes within Revel by Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. before the week began. Each module quiz question was worth three points. Points were deducted for each incorrect attempt up to a maximum of three tries per question. Revel quizzes accounted for 20% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Data was used to compare the average exam score as well as the final course score earned between students who scored above and below the median Revel quiz score.
- Students who scored above the median Revel quiz score earned a significantly higher average exam score and final course score than students who scored below the median.
Did students like using Revel Art?
Students in Eshagh’s course completed an end-of-semester survey providing valuable insight on their experience using Revel in the course.
- 96% of respondents described their experience learning to use Revel as very easy or easy.
- 90% of respondents rated their experience with Revel as excellent or good.
One student said:
“I think the benefits of Revel include having the module quizzes at the end to ensure that students are processing the reading correctly.”