Why did Copiah-Lincoln Community College adopt Inclusive Access?
According to Dr. Stephanie Duguid, Dean of Academic Instruction, a key motivator for transitioning to Pearson Inclusive Access at Copiah-Lincoln Community College (Co-Lin) was improving the success rates of developmental students. In addition, only about 30% of
developmental course students purchased materials by the end of the first week due to motivation and waiting for financial aid.
How was Inclusive Access implemented?
In Spring 2013, Co-Lin implemented Inclusive Access in its eight developmental and college-level mathematics courses, as well as in developmental reading and writing courses. All students received instant access to course materials by the first day of the semester.
In 2018, there were three options within the Inclusive Access program at Co-Lin. Some courses offer all-digital resources, others require students purchase a loose-leaf print text with access to an eResource, and lastly, some offer a digital hybrid delivery of materials.
Was the transition to Inclusive Access successful?
- Access: 100% of students had access to course materials on the first day of the semester.
- Graduation and retention: Between 2012 and 2015, retention and graduation rates at Co-Lin have increased dramatically. Retention is up 10 percentage points and graduation rates have increased 8 percentage points.
- Gateway course results: Overall success in these courses improved 17 percentage points.
- Cost savings: Students saved an average of 68% off the traditional textbook or package price.
- Bookstore sustainability: There has been a change in the proportion of revenue reported from print textbooks and from eResource, which has helped the bookstore remain afloat.
Dr. Duguid’s suggestions for a seamless transition
In addition to communicating the upcoming changes and ensuring that faculty (in particular, the technology and business departments) and students are aware and supportive of the new mode of course material delivery, consistent and accurate communication eliminates unnecessary confusion or misunderstandings.
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how Pearson Inclusive Access could benefit your institution