MyLab Marketing contributes to student success
Pearson | October 29, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How MyLab Marketing contributes to student success
In Spring 2018, Pearson partnered with Professor JoAnn Atkin from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI, to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Marketing for Marketing: An Introduction by Armstrong and Kotler on student success in her Principles of Marketing course.
Researchers found that:
- Above average MyLab scores were indicative of higher average quiz and exam scores.
- 79% of students scoring above average on MyLab assignments earned an A or B for their final course grade, while just 19% of students scoring below average earned an A or B for their final grade.
- 90% of respondents on an end-of-semester survey agreed that completing the Dynamic Study Modules before class helped better prepare them for lecture/class sessions.
Click here to read the full case study or continue reading to learn more.
Why did Professor JoAnn Atkin adopt MyLab Marketing?
Atkin was interested in online homework as a way to engage students with the course content. With lecture sections of 250 students, hand grading homework was not really an option, and additionally, objective grading was appealing to her, so in Fall 2017 she adopted MyLab Marketing.
How was MyLab Marketing implemented?
Principles of Marketing is a three-credit, entry-level course. MyLab assignments are completed weekly and consist of Dynamic Study Modules (DSM), video questions, and marketing simulations. MyLab assignments account for 28% of the total course grade.
- DSM: Due prior to lecture, and Atkin suggests that each module can be completed in under 30 minutes.
- Mini Simulations: Students make a series of decisions, the Mini Sim then branches, creating various scenario paths based on answers given and are due post-lecture.
- Video exercises: Each 10-minute video exercise is followed by five multiple-choice questions.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were placed into two groups based on the average MyLab score of 81%, revealing the following about those scoring higher above average:
- Average quiz scores were 17 percentage points higher.
- Average exam scores were 6 percentage points higher.
- Average final course scores were 15 percentage points higher.
Similarly, the average MyLab score of 81% is used to examine the distribution of final course letter grades.
- 79% of students scoring above average on MyLab assignments earned an A or B as their final course letter grade.
Did students like using MyLab Marketing?
Results from the Spring 2018 end-of-semester survey of Atkin’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab Marketing.
- 91% of respondents agreed that their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MyLab.
One student said:
“It was a beneficial tool when it came to learning because of the repetition. The many different ways the same material was portrayed really helped me to learn differently than I did in class with the PowerPoints.”
Learn more about how MyLab Marketing could benefit your course