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Why does Professor Joe Welker utilize MyLab Accounting?
When the College of Western Idaho began offering accounting courses online in 2011, it was a challenge for instructors to provide engaging, interactive tools and to create an online course from scratch. They discovered the ready-to-go format of MyLab and how it takes the pressure off instructors to create the problems sets, assessments, and real-world applications that are important for course success.
How was MyLab Accounting implemented?
Introduction to Financial Accounting is a one-semester, four-credit course that is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. MyLab assignments include homework and quizzes. Because the goal in assigning homework is practice, students have unlimited attempts at completion with firm due dates.
Welker encourages students to view the Demo Docs and he assigns as many Excel Simulation exercises as appropriate for each chapter. Students must score at least 80% on these exercises and homework problems in order to open the weekly MyLab quiz. MyLab quizzes are comprised of multiple-choice questions, multi-part problems, and Excel exercises, and students have just one attempt and 30 minutes for completion. MyLab assignments and quizzes account for 10% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were placed into two groups based on their average MyLab score (74%), identifying the following:
- 93% of students scoring above average on MyLab assignments earned an A, B, or C as their final course grade.
- No students scoring above average on MyLab assignments failed the course.
In addition, data show students who completed most assignments, skipping one assignment or fewer, earned average exam scores seven percentage points higher than students who skipped two or more assignments.
Did students like using MyLab Accounting?
Responses from a national, voluntary Spring 2017 survey indicates that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab Accounting.
- 87% of students agreed that MyLab helped them achieve a higher grade on quizzes and exams.
- 90% of students would recommend their instructor use MyLab in a future semester.
One student said:
“MyLab allowed me to get a better grade because it reinforced how to do the problems over and over again; even if they were a little difficult, it allowed for me to learn the problems.”
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how MyLab Accounting could benefit your course