Mastering Chemistry enhances student success
Pearson | October 7, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How Mastering Chemistry contributes to student success
In Spring 2018, Professor Jo Nell Aarons Gillings from Miami Dade College partnered with Pearson to investigate whether Modified Mastering™ Chemistry for Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, Lemay, Bursten, Murphy, Woodward, and Stolzfus impacted student success in her General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis II course.
Researchers found that:
- Students who performed above average on the required Mastering homework had a significantly higher final exam score than those who performed at or below average.
- Students who earned more points on optional Adaptive Follow-Up assignments had a significantly higher final exam average than those who earned fewer points.
- The group of students who scored 51–100% on the optional Chemistry Primer had a higher final exam average than students who scored 0–50% on the Chemistry Primer.
- Student survey respondents reported that doing the Dynamic Study Modules before class helped them better understand lecture and that Learning Catalytics was a fun way to learn.
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Why does Professor Jo Nell Aarons Gillings utilize Mastering Chemistry?
She feels she must help students understand the importance of the class to their goals and help them develop study skills to enhance success in the course. To achieve these goals, she has tried to create structure in her course through the activities and homework. To provide resources for practice and learning, Aarons Gillings piloted Mastering Chemistry (MC) in her Summer 2017 session and began using it as part of the course in Fall 2017.
How was Mastering Chemistry implemented?
The course components consisted of four exams, a cumulative final exam and MC. Mastering Chemistry consisted of Dynamic Study Modules (DSMs), chapter homework, Adaptive Follow-Up assignments (AFUs), Learning Catalytics (LC), and Chemistry Primer.
- DSMs were assigned as required pre-lecture homework.
- Chapter homework was required with tutorials and hints.
- AFUs followed chapter homework and were optional.
- LC questions were used for in-class activities one day per week.
- Chemistry Primer was recommended for remediation.
Mastering Chemistry assessments accounted for 25% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were placed into two groups based on the average MC score of 83%; the average score included both required Mastering assignments (chapter homework and DSMs).
- Students who scored at or above the average had a significantly higher final exam average compared to the group of students who earned below average on MC homework.
The same analysis was done looking at participation on AFU assignments.
- Students who earned more AFU points than average had a significantly higher final exam average than the group of students who earned at or below average AFU points.
The group of students who scored 51–100% on the optional Chemistry Primer had a higher final exam average than students who scored 0–50% on the Chemistry Primer.
Did students like using Mastering Chemistry?
At the end of the Spring 2018 semester, a survey was administered. When asked what they liked about Mastering, two student survey respondents gave the following answers:
“It tells you hints throughout and the study module helped me work out problems when I didn’t know.”
“What I liked about Mastering was the relevance it had toward the material we experienced on the exams and in class.”
Learn more about how Mastering Chemistry could benefit your course