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Why does Professor Rita Reagan-Redko utilize MyLab MIS?
Tasked with creating quizzes in Blackboard and grading both papers and discussion board assignments by hand, Reagan-Redko sought a digital solution that could minimize time spent creating and grading. She adopted MyLab MIS in 2014, first using only the chapter quizzes. Two years later, she enhanced her course by adding simulations and videos to her assignments, and in Spring 2018 she introduced auto-graded writing assignments as well.
How was MyLab MIS implemented?
Technology in the Workplace is a one-semester, three-credit course open to all students. Students use MyLab for understanding content, homework assignments, and quizzing. MyLab assignments include video case studies, Decision-Making Sims, Writing Space and quizzes. MyLab assessments account for 85% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were divided into two groups based on their average MyLab assignment score (MyLab video exercises and MyLab Decision-Making Sims).
- Students who scored above average on MyLab assignments earned average MyLab quiz scores eight percentage points higher than students who scored below average.
- There’s a strong, positive correlation between MyLab assignment scores and quiz scores.
Did students like using MyLab MIS?
Responses from the end-of-semester survey of Reagan-Redko’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab MIS.
- 97% of respondents agreed that their understanding of the MIS course material increased as a result of using MyLab MIS
- 100% of respondents agreed that the use of MyLab MIS positively impacted their quiz scores.
- 93% of respondents agreed that the resources in MyLab MIS made it a good value for the course.
One student said:
“MyLab was very easy to work with and the simulations and quizzes really allowed for a deep understanding of the material.”
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how MyLab MIS could benefit your course