Student Success using Revel Introduction to Java Programming
Pearson | August 6, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How Revel Introduction to Java Programming contributes to student success
Between Spring 2018 and Fall 2019, Pearson partnered with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to explore how the use of Revel for Introduction to Java Programming by Y. Daniel Liang is related to learner outcomes related to achievement on assigned tasks, tests, and the course as a whole.
Researchers found that:
- Students tended to persist with programming tasks in Revel, despite these tasks authentically mimicking the challenges a professional programmer might face in a competitive workplace.
- Students’ performance in Revel for Introduction to Java Programming is related to their performance in other parts of the course.
- Students’ persistence with challenging programming tasks tends to pay off in the form of higher test scores; and that students whose persistence leads to gains in performance also tend to achieve higher course grades.
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How was Revel used in the course?
In each week of the course, students had one lecture and one lab where students worked to complete a programming assignment under real-world conditions. On Fridays, students were assigned a section of the Revel text, including end-of-section programming tasks, to complete before the lecture on Tuesday.
Students were allowed to attempt these programming tasks unlimited times without penalties. Programming tasks in Revel for Introduction to Java Programming contributed 10% of students’ overall course grades.
Were students successful over the semester?
Data show that of the 114 students participating in the study, 90% persisted on more than 85% of the tasks on which they initially had an incorrect first attempt. Data also show that higher first-attempt scores on Revel programming tasks are associated with higher programming test scores. In addition, students who persisted and made higher gains from their first attempt score to their highest score tended to earn higher final course grades.
Programming and coding skills are in high demand, and can provide access to employment in growing fields. But a high percentage of undergraduates who enroll in relevant programs do not persist until they achieve competency in the subject and employment in the field.
Revel for Introduction to Java Programming aims to give students an authentically challenging experience of Java programming and is designed to support them to persist with more and more challenging tasks based on learning science principles.
Read the full efficacy report here
Learn more about how Revel Introduction to Java Programming could benefit your course