Promote student success with Revel Criminal Justice Today
Pearson | August 6, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How Revel Criminal Justice Today contributes to student success
In Spring 2017, Pearson partnered with Professor Bill Brogan at McHenry County College to investigate whether Revel for Criminal Justice Today by Schmalleger promoted student success in his Introduction to Criminal Justice Course.
Researchers found that:
- Students earning higher Revel chapter quiz scores also earned higher final course scores.
- Students who scored above the median on Revel chapter quizzes scored significantly higher on the research paper than students who scored below the median on Revel chapter quizzes.
- Students earning a final grade of A, B, or C in the course skipped an average of 13.3 fewer Revel assignments than those earning a final grade of D or F in the course.
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Why did Professor Bill Brogan adopt Revel?
Instructor Brogan elected to move to Revel because he was seeking a product that offered eBook access with online integration so students could complete assignments directly within the reading. He also liked Revel’s seamless integration with Canvas and the option for students to purchase a loose-leaf print text. Brogan aimed to increase student preparedness for class and improve class discussion through implementing Revel.
How was Revel used in the course?
Grades for the course were comprised of attendance, vocabulary assignments, Revel work, and a research paper. Revel work included weekly chapter quizzes, each consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions covering one chapter. Each chapter quiz question was worth up to 5 points. Students had three attempts to answer each question. Revel assignments accounted for 40 percent of the final course grade.
Were students successful over the semester?
Results indicate that students were successful utilizing Revel Criminal Justice Today in this Introduction to Criminal Justice course.
- Students who had higher average scores on the Revel chapter quizzes also had higher final course scores.
- Students who scored above the median Revel chapter quiz score earned significantly higher research paper averages than students who scored below the median Revel chapter quiz score.
- Students who received a final course grade of D or F completed an average of 13.3 fewer Revel assignments than those who earned a final course grade of A, B, or C.
- Students receiving a D or F in the course also earned an average final attendance score 24 percentage points lower than students who received an A, B, or C in the course.
Did students like using Revel?
In Fall 2016, Criminal Justice students at a variety of U.S. colleges completed a voluntary, end-of-semester survey (24 participants), providing valuable insight on their experience using Revel.
- 100% of respondents were able to login to Revel the first week of class.
- 88% of respondents reported participating in class discussions after using Revel.
One student said:
- “The benefits of Revel include easy access, convenience, audio, end quizzes/tests, lets you know your progress and grades.”
Professor Brogan implemented Revel in his Introduction to Criminal Justice course with the goal of providing an integrated online experience and increasing class discussion by being able to hold students accountable for assigned readings.
Results indicate students who scored higher on Revel chapter quizzes also received higher final course scores. Students who scored above the median on Revel chapter quizzes scored an average of 56 percentage points higher on the research paper than students who scored below the median. Final attendance scores of students receiving an A, B, or C in the course were 24 percentage points higher than students receiving a D or F in the course and those students completed an average of 13.4 more Revel assignments.
Learn more about how Revel Criminal Justice could benefit your course