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Why did Professor Dr. Scott Demsky adopt MyLab Math?
For a couple years, Dr. Demsky didn't require attendance, was getting poor attendance and, as expected, students were performing poorly on course assessments. Demsky decided to redesign his course to improve attendance, hoping that it would improve student performance on course assessments. Part of that redesign included adopting MyLab Math.
How was MyLab Math implemented?
The personalized homework feature in MyLab Math allowed students to complete only the questions they missed on the actual test in MyLab Math. In this way, students were essentially allowed to “retake” the test because the grade they received on the post-test homework assignments counted as 30% of their final grade.
Demsky decided to start requiring a pre-class assignment (homework) in MyLab Math that requires students to watch a video and view the PowerPoint slides associated with the appropriate section as a prerequisite and then complete 5–6 simple questions before class. Together as a class, students complete another homework assignment in MyLab Math comprised of 7–8 questions that are a little more difficult than the pre-class assignment.
To address absences that are excused, Demsky drops the five lowest homework scores at the end of the semester. Demsky also assigns two section quizzes per chapter, with about 20 questions each, and students can attempt the quizzes multiple times. In the Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning course, work within MyLab Math accounts for 100% of the course grade and for Survey of Mathematics, it accounts for 90% of the course grade.
Were students successful in the courses?
Average course performance from two semesters before the redesign (Fall 2017 and Spring 2018) was compared to the first semester after redesign (Fall 2018). Post-redesign there are 8-10 times more homework problems, but they are still performing better.
In the Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning course, Demsky was delighted to see the improvement in As, Bs, and Cs when he compared the distribution of his sections pre- and post-redesign with the rate of ABC going from 71% up to 88% after the redesign.
The average final course score in Demsky’s Survey of Mathematics course rose 14 percentage points post-redesign, from an average of 70% pre-redesign to 84% post-redesign. In addition, in Demsky’s Fall 2018 Survey of Mathematics section, 93% of students (all but one) received an A, B, or C, compared to the previous two semesters (pre-redesign) which had an average ABC rate of 62%.
Did students like using MyLab Math?
Demsky deployed an and end-of-semester survey to his Fall 2018 students to help determine their experience with MyLab Math.
- 100% would recommend MyLab to other students.
- 93% reported that completing pre-class assignments in MyLab math encouraged them to become familiar with the content and felt MyLab positively affected their test scores and overall course grade.
Demsky is very pleased with the way the changes to his course structure have transformed his students’ participation and performance. In the first semester of implementation, he achieved his goal of increasing attendance and performance in the course.
Read the full findings here
Learn more about how MyLab Math with Mathematical Ideas for College and Finite Mathematics could benefit your course