MyLab IT enhances student success and comprehension
Pearson | August 20, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How MyLab IT contributes to student success
In Fall 2018, Professor Patrick Logue at South Plains College in Levelland, TX partnered with Pearson to investigate whether MyLab IT™ supported student success in his Business Computer Applications course
Researchers found that:
- Students who completed all MyLab IT Simulation Trainings earned average Grader Project scores 11 percentage points higher than students who skipped one or more Simulation Trainings.
- Students who scored above average on MyLab IT Grader Projects earned average exam scores 12 percentage points higher than students who scored below average on Grader Projects.
- On an end-of-semester survey, 96% of respondents agreed that their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MyLab IT.
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Why did South Plains College adopt MyLab IT?
In 2015, Computer Information Systems (CIS) faculty went through a committee adoption process for the 2016 version of Microsoft Office. While they previously used a different digital product, at this time they selected MyLab IT as they felt it was a superior product. Additionally, many students at South Plains College were already using MyLab in their math classes; CIS faculty believed this would ease the transition.
How is MyLab IT implemented?
There are five, one-hour pretests that students must take in MyLab IT at scheduled times throughout the semester. The pretest must be taken before the student can read the course material and complete the assigned homework and exams for each of the individual sections. Homework in MyLab IT includes matching and multiple-choice questions, Simulation Trainings, and Grader Projects.
For each chapter that covers a specific application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access), students complete Simulation Trainings in MyLab IT. Each exam is a modified Capstone Grader Project from MyLab IT. Students have two attempts and the highest grade is recorded in the gradebook.
Overall assessments in the course include 23 MyLab IT homework assignments, five exams, 54 MyLab IT simulation Trainings, one group project and five pretests. MyLab IT assessments account for 60% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in this course?
Students who completed all MyLab IT Simulation Trainings earned average Grader Project scores 11 percentage points higher than students who skipped one or more Simulation Trainings.
Students who scored above average (> 86%) on MyLab IT Grader Projects earned average exam scores 12 percentage points higher than students who scored below average (< 86%) on Grader Projects.
Did students like using MyLab IT?
Responses from the Fall 2018 end-of-semester survey of Logue’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab IT.
- 96% of respondents would recommend MyLab IT to other students.
- 96% of respondents agreed that their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MyLab IT.
- 96% of respondents agreed “MyLab IT was a good value for the course.”
One student said:
“(MyLab IT) helps you learn more about the material and if you get stuck they have practices and videos you can watch.”
Course data from Logue’s Fall 2018 sections supports the notion that completion of MyLab IT Simulation Trainings impacts performance on Grader Projects and Grader Project achievement impacts exam scores. On the end-of-semester survey, students overwhelmingly agreed that MyLab IT was not only a good value but increased their understanding of the course material.