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Why did Professor Robert Carlson adopt Revel?
Previously, Professor Robert Carlson used an eText that didn’t always work well and was unpopular among students. In Fall 2017, in an effort to find a better digital solution, Carlson adopted Revel with the primary goal of holding students accountable for reading and comprehension of the material.
How was Revel used in the course?
Composition II is a three-credit, 16-week course offered both face to face and online. Assessments include a research argument essay, rhetorical analysis, civic proposal argument and written reflection on the speech, final exam (in-class essay), in-class assignments and Revel readings/quizzes. Revel accounted for 10% of the total final course grade.
Were students successful over the semester?
Results indicate that students who had higher average Revel scores also had higher final course grades. Data also show that students who scored above the mean on Revel quizzes also earned significantly higher final scores in the course.
Did students like using Revel?
Responses from the Fall 2017 end-of-semester survey of Carlson’s students indicate that the majority of students recognize the value of Revel.
- 83% rated their overall experience with Revel as excellent or good.
- 79% strongly agreed or agreed that experiencing the text through Revel helped them feel more engaged with the course content than a traditional textbook.
- 77% preferred Revel over a traditional textbook.
- 76% agree Revel is a good value for the money.
When asked what the benefits of Revel were, two students responded:
- “It lets me know my grades really fast and I love that there is an app and I am able to take the quizzes in my phone.”
- “It’s easier to use because we can take the reading anywhere and use it on our phones than using a whole book.”
Carlson feels that most students do take their Revel work seriously and students are doing better in the course with Revel. Indeed, Revel is helping Carlson accomplish his goal of holding students accountable for reading and knowing the material. Student survey results are encouraging, 96% of respondents agreed that completing Revel reading and quizzes better prepared them for class. In addition, 92% of respondents agreed that completing Revel reading and quizzes increased their understanding of the course material.
Read the full case study here
Learn more about how Revel Writing Arguments could benefit your course