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Why did Lecturer Donald Fisher adopt Revel?
Fisher believes students should be responsible for their own learning, which includes reading the textbook prior to lecture, attending class prepared to participate, and contributing to class discussions. Seeking a potential course solution, he engaged in a class test of Revel™ in Spring 2018, teaching one section of his Marketing Principles class using Revel and one section using a traditional print textbook.
Revel was piloted to hold students accountable for reading and understanding basic course concepts prior to attending class, so lecture could be activity-based and focus on real-world application of the content.
How was Revel used in his course?
Students use Revel for understanding content and quizzing. Fisher anticipates that his students will spend approximately 1–2 hours per week reading and completing assignments in Revel. On the student survey, 63% of respondents said they spent 1–2 hours per week working in Revel, 18.5% spent 2–3 hours working in Revel, and 18.5% spent more than three hours each week working in Revel. Fisher views the Revel assignments as formative, an opportunity for students to experiment and learn, with chapter reading and quizzing taking place prior to lecture. Weekly Revel assignments are worth a combined 10% of the final course grade.
Did Revel improve student success over the semester?
Fisher conducted a Revel class test and comparison by having one section of his course use Revel and another section use a traditional print textbook. In Spring 2018, data indicate that students in the section using Revel earned average exam scores six percentage points higher than students in the section using the print textbook.
Average exam letter grades were also compared between the two class test sections.
- 86% of students using Revel earned an A or B exam average.
- 0% of students using Revel earned a failing exam average.
Did the students like using Revel?
Responses from the Spring 2018 end-of-semester survey of Fisher’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of Revel.
- 100% of respondents agreed that Revel Practice questions allowed them to check their understanding of material they read before moving on to the next section of the eText.
- 87% of respondents said they prefer the interactivity of Revel to a regular print textbook
One student commented:
“I loved how interactive Revel was. I really liked how I could access the text on my computer and my phone. The app on my phone was really easy to use and do the assignments on.”
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