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Why did Dr Wurie adopt Revel?
Instructor Wurie decided to implement Revel after receiving feedback on his course evaluations indicating that his students wanted more online resources and engaging material. Wurie chose Revel because of its straightforward, practical, and hands-on nature. He also felt confident that his Pearson representative would assist with training and support as he integrated Revel into his course. Wurie hoped to improve student engagement in course discussions and overall course performance by using Revel in his classes.
How was Revel used in his course?
Grades for the course were comprised of quizzes, participation/Revel assignments and quizzes, a final exam, and group work assignments.
In calculating attendance and participation grades (discussion), there were three online assignments due in Revel. The Revel assignments replaced class meetings, so on the days Revel assignments were due, the class did not meet in person. Attendance was not mandatory for the class but was worth 30 percent of the course grade. If a student missed three consecutive classes, they failed the course.
Participation/Revel assignments are worth a combined 30% of the final course grade.
Did Revel improve student success over the semester?
Students who earned a higher percentage of participation/Revel assignment points also earned a higher percentage of final exam/evaluation points and a higher overall final percentage of points in the course.
Responses from the end-of-semester student survey indicated 90% of students thought completing Revel reading and quizzes better prepared them for class.
Did students like using Revel?
Responses from the Fall 2017 end-of-semester survey of Wurie’s students indicate that the majority of responding students recognize the value of Revel.
- 100 percent of respondents were able to log in to Revel the first week of class.
- 91 percent of respondents found completing the readings and assignments in Revel “very easy” or “easy.”
- 86 percent of respondents rated their overall experience with Revel as “very good” or “good.”
One student commented:
“I think it is awesome that you have access to Revel on your smartphone, since I am always on the run and can look at things I may need to be reminded about right in my hands instead of pulling out my laptop.”
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