Increase Student Success with Revel Sociology
Pearson | July 16, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How Revel Sociology contributes to student success
In Summer 2018, Pearson worked with Associate Professor Catherine Medrano at the College of the Sequoias to investigate whether the use of Revel for Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach by Henslin supported student success.
Researchers found that:
- When a greater number of Revel assignments (108) were required in the course, overall course grades, average exam scores, average essay scores, and final Revel scores were higher than when fewer assignments (56) were required in the course.
- Data indicate a strong correlation between the overall percentage of Revel points earned and average exam scores.
- 95% of student respondents reported they asked questions or participated in class discussions when Revel was used in the course.
Click here to read the full case study or continue reading to learn more.
Why did Associate Professor Medrano adopt Revel?
In Spring 2015 and Spring 2017, Adjunct Professor Catherine Medrano utilized Revel Sociology in her Sociology 1 course at the College of the Sequoias where she found students came to class better prepared and performed better on their exams, as well as a reduction in the amount of time spent grading essay assignments.
In an effort to continue supporting the success of her students, in Summer 2017 she increased the amount of Revel assignments from 58 to the available 108 for the chapters covered in her course. She hoped requiring all the available Revel assignments would increase student reading and understanding of the material, in turn increasing exam scores and final grades.
How was Revel used in her course?
There were two summer sessions, one four weeks and the other six weeks. The four-week Summer session of Sociology 1 met four times per week for a total of twelve hours and twenty minutes a week. The six-week Summer session met four times per week for eight hours and twenty minutes a week. Each session covered 15 chapters over the course of the term.
There were six exams and accompanying study guides, three essays, two formal group PowerPoint presentations and 108 Revel quizzes. The final essay was auto-graded through Revel and the Revel quizzes were due once a week where they were given three attempts to correctly answer each question. Revel quizzes were worth a combined 18% of the final grade.
Did Revel improve student success over the semester?
In assigning a greater number of Revel quizzes per chapter, Medrano hoped to increase student reading to improve exam scores, essay scores, Revel scores, and overall course scores. Results indicate Summer 2017 students performed better on all measures than Spring 2017 students.
- There was a strong correlation between Revel quiz scores and final course scores
- Fewer scores of zero were recorded on Revel assignments in the Summer 2017 sessions than in the Spring 2017 sessions
Did students like using Revel?
In Spring 2017, students completed a voluntary, end-of-semester survey that provided valuable insight on their experience with Revel.
- Revel is easy to utilize, with 98% of students saying they were able to access and complete Revel assignments throughout the semester
- Revel supports engagement, with 95% of students saying they asked questions or participated in class discussions
- The Revel app was beneficial, with 63% of students saying they completed assignments using the Revel app often or very often
One student said:
“I actually read everything, which I wouldn't have if it was a traditional textbook.”
Another student said:
“Revel made it easier to remember definitions and important topics for tests and quizzes.”
After nearly doubling the required Revel assignments from Spring 2017 to Summer 2017, results indicate final grades, average exam scores, average essay scores, and final Revel scores all increased with the increased number of Revel assignments. In addition, the percentage of zeros on Revel assignments decreased from 17 percent in Spring 2017 to 5 percent in Summer 2017.
Learn more about how Revel Sociology could benefit your course