Increase student success with Revel InMicro
Pearson | July 16, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
How Revel InMicro contributes to student success
In Spring 2018, Professor Dr. Austin Boyle at Pennsylvania State University partnered with Pearson to investigate whether Revel InMicro by Hubbard and O’Brien could enhance student success in his Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and Policy course.
Researchers found that:
- 74% of students scoring above the median on Revel assignments earned an A, B, or C as their average exam grade.
- Students who completed most Revel quizzes earned higher final course letter grades than students who skipped more than two Revel quizzes.
- 70% of survey respondents agreed the ”read a little, do a little” interactive approach of Revel helped them learn and retain the material better.
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Why did Professor Dr. Austin Boyle adopt Revel?
In Spring 2016, Dr. Boyle piloted Revel in an effort to hold students accountable for reading and understanding basic course concepts, so his lecture could focus on more in-depth explanation and real-
world application of the content. Dr. Boyle found the pilot to be a success and as a result, in Fall 2017, he fully adopted Revel into his Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and Policy Course.
How was Revel used in the course?
Revel assignments consisted of Concept Checks, practice quizzes and end-of chapter quizzes. Other course assessments included Canvas quizzes, Clicker questions, Think/Pair/Share in-class assignments, two midterms, and a final exam. Revel accounted for 10% of the final course grade.
Were students successful over the semester?
For those students that placed above the Revel median, 74% earned an A, B, or C as their average exam grade. No students who scored below the median earned an A as their average exam grade, while 67% of those scoring below the median earned a D or F.
Data show that those students who completed most quizzes earned a higher final course grade, with those skipping two or fewer earning an A or B. Those students who completed fewer quizzes earned lower final course grades, with students earning an F skipping an average of nine quizzes.
Did students like using Revel?
Responses from the Spring 2018 end-of-semester survey of Boyle’s students indicate the majority of responding students recognize the value of Revel.
- 79% agreed that Revel practice questions allowed them to check their understanding.
- 70% agreed the interactive approach of Revel helped them learn and retain the material better.
- 68% reported they prefer the interactivity of Revel to a print textbook.
- 67% reported the resources made the program a good value.
When asked what the benefits of Revel were, students responded:
- “It broke down complex issues into smaller steps to learn how to connect all elements.”
- “Convenient, easy to access method, with helpful interactions.”
- “It forced me to really understand the material to move on and get the questions correct.”
Boyle initially engaged in a Revel pilot hoping to achieve his goal of holding students accountable for their own learning, which included being prepared by reading the textbook prior to lecture. The pilot was successful, leading to adoption of the program the following semester.
Data show Revel supported student success in the course and students indicated a preference for the interactivity of Revel when compared to a print textbook.
Learn more about how Revel InMicro could benefit your course